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Beautiful Dreamer's Blog

O/T Pregnancy update

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Welp...I am starting to feel movement and kicks which is strange since I am only 14 weeks along but since this is my 3rd baby maybe that's why I feel the kicks because I know exactly what the kicks feel like. I had my ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and was told I was little further along that I thought I was and the baby was kicking away and rocking itself. I cannot wait to find out the gender so we can start buying baby stuff well actually we will wait til June to buy baby stuff since we are moving and the baby will have its own room.

Eviction letter to BM

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Dear BM,
You will no longer be allowed to take up anymore space in my head rent free. You have angry spells when it comes to DH, me, and our kids and you really should get some major anger management classes because you are an unstable and unfit mother who likes to physically harm others. I will no longer give you any power over how I feel about you because as of right now you are no longer existing!!!!!

She's not quite my stepmom but she's my dads girlfriend

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I have tried to like the woman but every time I try to she just lets me down. Here is the story. My mom passed away seven years ago and so I know my dad misses her they were together for 33 years high school sweethearts the whole fairytale. The woman he is dating now he's been off and on and off and on and off and on and on And then a couple of years ago we found out that she is HIV positive but my dad doesn't have it he gets checkups every six months and we also found out last December that she is a crack head. My dad keeps kicking her out and then let's her back into his apt.
