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She's not quite my stepmom but she's my dads girlfriend

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I have tried to like the woman but every time I try to she just lets me down. Here is the story. My mom passed away seven years ago and so I know my dad misses her they were together for 33 years high school sweethearts the whole fairytale. The woman he is dating now he's been off and on and off and on and off and on and on And then a couple of years ago we found out that she is HIV positive but my dad doesn't have it he gets checkups every six months and we also found out last December that she is a crack head. My dad keeps kicking her out and then let's her back into his apt. She tried to call me a bad mother because in the morning I wait for my daughter or my son tell me that they're hungry and I don't just automatically get out the bed and start making breakfast for them. She has a son that she never took care of and now he is bad news. Anyway yesterday I got a message on Facebook from her sister in law telling me that she needed to talk to my brother because my dads girlfriend got arrested for stealing. I don't live in town but my brother does so he had to take my dad to get his car before it ended up in the impound. The woman is not good for my dad at all!


Agent_Lovely's picture

Good for him or not good for him...sadly it's not up to you to make sure he sees the light. I know it's probably really frustrating for you to sit back and watch all this happen but there's nothing you can do about it without risking your relationship with your father.If you try to make him see how bad she is for him,it will backfire on you most likely.
Your dad is a grown man he will decide when he has had enough of her drama and legal issues. If he wants to play around with his very life by messing with an HIV positive woman...tragically it is his business.

I really hope he wises up and kicks her to the curb.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

She Also is remixing her HIV medication with alcohol and she has a gambling problem too!

Agent_Lovely's picture

i get that you're venting but it's coming out more like tattling...i get she's a bad woman. but you'll have to let your dad decide for himself how he is going to handle his situation with her.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

The woman he dated before her she did wipe his bank account and she was a crack head too

purpledaisies's picture

maybe your dad has a need to help these women but doesn't know how to go about it. However with that said it doesn't matter what you say or do you will always look like you don't want you dad happy with another woman. I know you care for him and want him happy and not taken for a ride. however the fact of the matter is that he is hte one who has to draw the line you can;t do it for him.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Yeah I know I know it's just frustrating you know? I pretty much try to accept it. The last time I saw her her eyes were bloodshot red she was acting all weird stuff. She expects my kids to call her grandma but she's not even married to my dad. She has even told my dad that she was only using him for his money. Her own family has turned their back on her and she said the reason why she turned to drugs was because of me! Because I moved out and back in with my husband!

Agent_Lovely's picture

wait huh? ok she turned to drugs because you moved out and moved back in with your husband? So you were living with your dad and she wasn't on move out and she's on drugs?

If she told your dad she's using him, he must be a saint or an idiot to keep her around.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I'm six hours away so yeah there's no chance that I'll be seeing her anytime soon I don't think. Her brother tried to go off on me because I left and said that I didn't trust her and he cussed her out and told her she is not welcomed in his home but I guess that's okay because that's his sister? Her brother tried to offer sex to me while I was living with her. *gags* even her dad hit on me and said he was going to come in my room at night! That family has issues!

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah she has no right to make your kids call her gma. Heck I am called purple by my skids and they are comfortable with that which is ok with me. But when they start to have kids I doubt i will be called gma by their kids which is ok too. I will let them call me what they feel comfortable with.

With that said I don't understand why she is upset that you moved out? That is weird?? Were you paying any of the bills? If so that might be why. I don't know but I would keep my kids away from a crack head!

purpledaisies's picture

That is what I was saying dreamer is that most skids don;t call their step moms mom. Mine would if their mom hadn't tried to make them feel bad for even liking me let alone love me however it doesn't bother me that they only cal, me purple. I know what they went through and why it is the way it is. They need to do what is best for them and that is not to get in trouble by their mom if they called me anything other then purple. If she had her way they would call me 'her' and 'she' though. My dh would NEVER allow that as it sees it as a sign of disrespect.

Were you paying any of the bills or anything else while you lived with your dad? If so that could explain why she was upset that you moved out.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

I helped with groceries and worked but saved my money because my dad paid ALL the bills and he refused to have me pay rent or any other bills.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

They both are on crack! I understand my dad is lonely but this is ridiculous! The first woman wiped his account out and then when he got it back under control he started dating crackhead #2. I went off on my dad and so has my brother. Everyone is concerned about my dad not her. Her own family thinks she's a lost cause.

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

Well he was going to move here and my aunt was going to set him up but he changed his mind Sad