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Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.......oh, my!

BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

So I found some questionable photos on Morticia's Instagram account. Won't go into detail what they were, but my question is: do I bring it up with BF? I'm thinking he's going to flip his shit, but on me......."why do you feel the need to spy" or something to that affect. Um, because neither you or Glory are doing a bang-up job on running herd and I think maybe this will finally snap you out of that "hands-off" daddy treatment?

Seriously, if Squiggles tried to pull half the shit that Morticia & Wednesday do, even at 18, her life would be super-limited. Yes, I still hold the keys to her cell and the truck, so she'd have virtually no life, after I take them both away. She doesn't because, hey, I'm a parent and I acted accordingly when she got out of line.

I screen-shotted the worst offenders of the Instagram account, but am seriously debating deleting them and not mentioning anything.


whoaminow's picture

I would show BF. I found some things on SD17 instagram once that I didn't approve of and I told DH he needed to check it out. He said something to her and she deleted them. I understand that your BF may get mad at you but you know what you did what you think is the right thing to do as a parent and if he don't do anything or gets mad then so be it, you did the right thing. If he gets mad then I wouldn't point out anymore in the future.

twoviewpoints's picture

Why bother. You can't care more than SD's parents do.... it just makes you the resented evil SM.

If SD's recent court appearance didn't open eyes and send your husband racing to look for what you found himself, he obviously doesn't want to know. This girl's badass self will catch up with her sooner than later. You can't 'fix' those who refuse to admit there's a problem. Unless its something in dire need of police notification (example selling drugs at Fourth and Main, broke into the 7-11 after finding nothing worth stealing from the local neighborhood homes), why bother? Mommy and Daddy don't give a hoot.

zerostepdrama's picture


Cover1W's picture

Personally, I wouldn't say anything.
I accidentally found emails that were not appropriate and he just shrugged.
I ignore all electronic anything unless it's my phone or my computer account.

BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

He's taken it pretty well in the past when I've stated my opinion. It's just incredibly frustrating when I tell him what I think and nothing gets done, but then again these are not my kids. Worst part is that they're not my kids and I have no say, unless they're destroying my property. With Carl and the Minion, I lightly discipline them - like put your dishes in the dishwasher, brush your teeth, etc.

BethAnne's picture

Personally I would look at it this way. Nothing is going to get done if he doesn't know about it and if he does know he might do something or he might not. If he hasn't reacted badly to you in the past I would just email him the screen shots and offer no opinion, just "I saw these, thought you should know". Then leave it to him. Accept that he might not do anything and try to resist asking him about it unless he brings it up.

notasm3's picture

I never mentioned to DH when SS30 posted crap about how he was calling in sick to his job and then he posted all day about how high he was from his druggie exploits. Nor when he posted OBNOXIOUS racist crap.

But when he posted explicit details (with highly derogatory critique) about every sex act that he and his ex GF had engaged in after she dumped him (with police escort and RO) I woke DH up very early in the morning to deal with it. DH went ballistic on SS and made him take it down.

I think it was more for ex GF's benefit that I did this. I don't think she ever knew about it as it was only up from about 2 am to 6 am. I'd met her and even though I questioned her involvement with SS she did not deserve that.