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Bcraine's Blog

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Well, I would like to say thank you to those who have provided me with feedback and opinions. This definitely helped, although it was only a short term fix.

While dealing with the bf's mom and then bm, bf and I have come to the conclusion that it will not work between us. Although we love eachother and SD and I are closer than ever, it really just will not work.

SD3 learning swear words. UGH!

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A couple days ago, bf, SD, BIL and MIL went to see other BIL and his family for supper. We drove up to the city and the whole way, MIL was using the word ass in alot of sentences. Once we finishes supper at the BIL's, I start cleaning up SD and she says F*** it. I didn't believe what I thought I heard so I asked her and she said it again. I dealt with SD3 right away and told her it was a bad word and she shouldn't say that. On the way home, MIL continued to swear in her sentences. When we get home, I mention it to BF. Of course, that starts another argument.