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It's about to start again!!!

baseballgirly's picture

Having the skids come over for the weekend is like knowing you're going to have a heart attack. It's not going to be fun for anyone and usually does more harm than good.

Today is Thursday. That means SO is going to leave work early tomorrow to drive as fast as he can an hour away to bring home two young boys just to sleep. Can you tell I'm still mad that they continue to do the pick up on Friday night?? It's not fair to the kids. They have a busy day. Why make them drive for an hour, eat fast food that they spill in the truck and come here just to go to bed?? It's a dumb arrangement.

If I play my cards right, I won't have to see them at all this weekend!!! They'll go to bed as soon as they get here, I work really early Saturday morning and am gone before anyone wakes up... then I can make plans with a friend Saturday night until their bedtime and they leave bright and early for soccer games Sunday morning!!!!

That plan seems to be best. I think it will save my sanity more than pretending to be the happy family with me staying home to cook dinner and sit and chat. That would mean I'd have to argue with the skids about washing their hands after they poop and not picking their nose all night and chewing with their mouths open. I'd rather leave the house.

Last time they were here I had a small arguement with SO about him cleaning up after them when they leave. He always says he will, yet he never does. The worst part is the toilet. Those two kids can't hit the bowl to save their lives!!! Pee runs down the front of the toilet, behind the seat and OMG.... has anyone else seen what a young boy can do to the underside of the seat?!!?!? How the hell do they do that!!??!?!?!?? It makes me gag. Pee dripping everywhere all fricken weekend. I tell SO to get them to clean up after themselves... they're 8 and 10.. totally capable. But instead of making them responsible for it, he says he'll do it. Saying it and doing it are TOTALLY DIFFERENT. He's done it a couple times, but I hired a cleaning lady literally to clean the toilet after they are here. It's one thing for me to put up with them when they are here... but for me to have to clean up after them and find stuff when they don't put it away (nail clippers were in the garage???) really pisses me off!!! Maybe I'll keep the upstairs bathroom door locked and they can all just use the downstairs one.... they don't shower when they're here anyway (basement bathroom doesn't have a shower).

I'm not sure my feelings about those kids will ever change. They disgust me. I don't know if I'll ever see it differently.

Maybe I'm expecting too much?? Should an 8 and 10 year old boy get to choose to not shower all weekend?? Should it be up to them to grow their nails because they don't want to cut them??? Should they not have to wash their hands after they poop??? SO doesn't follow up on ANY of these things when the skids are here. That really bothers me. It makes me disgusted in him almost as much as I am in the kids. Since I've found snot wiped on a towel beside the toilet, I have it in my mind that those kids pick their nose on the toilet... so to find out they lie about washing their hands after using the washroom makes me think about all the poop and snot germs they have on their hands!! I literally want to steam clean EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE after they leave.

Yup. Don't think I'll be able to not be disgusted in the skids.


ThatGirl's picture

"Can you please teach your child some personal hygiene?" I've said this to my SO a couple of times and it seems to work. That statement infers that the reason his child is so gross is that he's not bothered to teach him otherwise.

Skids are also not allowed to use my bathroom under any circumstances. Our old house had two, one for skids and one for us. We had to keep ours locked. Skids were supposed to clean their own bathroom when they left for BM's each week, but it never happened. I'd ask SO to do it whenever it got too out of hand or when company was coming.

Our new house has three, one in the master, one for the other bedrooms, and one downstairs. We never specifically told SS14 that he can't use the one downstairs, just assumed he'd stick to "his" like he had to in the other house. After coming home from work several times to find unflushed turds in the bowl and pee all over the bowl and floor, I'm thinking we're going to have to ban him from this bathroom, as well.

Goincrazy40's picture

Ugh... Same with FSS12 here. Constantly clogs the toilet and just let's it sit. Pees all over toilet too.

I complain and get called a nag. Why should I have to deal with it? He is 12 not 2.

JanRebecca's picture

I know this is an old post but OMG I could say every word of this about SS8 - we literally do have to clean the entire house to get rid of the pee every where and the sour smell he leaves behind. BS4 does not pee everwhere !!!! When SS8 is told to wash his hands he slips them under the water for two seconds - no soap and then drips water (dirty because it leaves marks on the wall) all over the wall when he turns out the light. He then wipes his hands on his pants - not a towel. 

Bex_S's picture

Ugh it's the same with my SD. I feel like I have to fumigate the house and pour Dettol all over everything after she's been here. We had the Friday night thing for a while, where it was almost pointless her coming over; fortunately that has stopped now. But lazy BM never gets of her fat arse to do pick ups and drop offs, so the only chance to actually wake up next to DH all week goes out the window, because he has to get up to do the 1.5 hr round trip to go and get skid first thing Saturday morning. It's getting to the point that because he's running around after skid because of lazy BM, he's missing out on basic things with our son like giving him his breakfast or seeing him when he gets up in a morning. He already misses out on that all week because he has to get up so early for work, and now he can't even do it at the weekend either. My son and I are losing out on so much time with DH for the sake of skid, and she can't even be respectful or even the slightest bit clean while she's here. I spend my Sundays cleaning the house and picking snot off the walls that she has wiped there. Because I'm on my own with a baby during the week in the daytime, there is not enough time for me to clean the devastation from the 1 day that brat spends here, so we've had to employ a cleaner, who literally only comes over to clean up after the step brat. I feel your pain, I really do. Nearly £200 a month in petrol carting this brat around, and now another £100 on top of that just to pay a cleaner to *literally* clean up her shit, the bathrooms, her fucking filthy toys, and that disgusting pit she calls a bedroom...basically anything she could have touched because she's so rank. I've even found shit on light switches because she won't wash her hands after wiping or scratching her minging arse. Our lives are ruled by a scummy, filthy little brat that comes to our house, behaves like a brat, trashes the place, then leaves. I can't stand it.