My patience has a time limit..
My ss is 6, he is an okay kid. He comes off as sweet but can be very sneaky behind your back. He often says/does things that are just VERY strange, like awkward. My kids often laugh at him because they don't know what else to do. So he doesn't particularly do anything wrong, he just has a very strange way about him. Example when he does something wrong and my DH asks him, why did you do this? Instead of a normal kid response he says something weird like "I wanted to do something bad." Um okay? Or he'll say, "I didn't want to be able to play." Just bizarre things he comes up with! So anyway I feel like my patience with him starts going out the window. The first 24 hrs I can be a "mom" type figure to him and just kind of ignore his weirdness. Then the second day I find myself getting irritated and annoyed but I usually don't say anything. Then by the third day I have to physically remove myself because I don't want to be mean to him by pointing out how strange he is to him so he'll stop (which doesn't work). In a sense I feel bad for this kid, he is going to be picked on for his behavior. My kids constantly call him weird to his face and they actually like him so I can only imagine how other kids treat him. I do tell my kids not to call him that BTW. His Bio mom is just as strange. I feel like maybe I need a xanax to deal with this kid sometimes. The weird things he does are just well weird. Also his sneakiness really pisses me off too and DH does not get it at all, he thinks he doesn't do it purposely but I know he does. Like for instance, they both got the same exact writing book in their stocking. My son loves to write stories so he went to go write in his book and SS comes in and tell him no that is my book, I had the one with the bear on it. (they both had the same exact book but he convinced my son it was his) He didn't even want the book and gave it to my daughter to use. Turns out the book actually was my sons because ss stocking stuff was in the kitchen not in their room so he basically just made it up to hurt my son. He does little stuff like this constantly and although it doesn't seem like a big deal, when it happens constantly and he sits there and acts like "he doesn't know" it really gets old quick! Okay thanks for letting me rant. I guess I should just be happy the kid finally stopped crapping in his pants.
- bartlett5157's blog
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