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Surprise, Surprise. Study Shows Only One in 20 Child Abuse Reports is Substantiated

Auteur's picture

Excellent article here. Especially the part about prosecuting those who report abuse as a vendetta against their ex-spouses (most likely for DARING to move on)


alwaysanxious's picture


RaeRae's picture

I've already realized that, when it comes to reporting a BM, you're damned if you do-damned if you don't. If you do report, you're vengeful and spiteful. If you don't report, you're uncaring and unconcerned. Evidence doesn't matter, the child's fearful words do not matter.

This link solidifies my thoughts and feelings about reporting abuse. The feeling that you're wrong no matter what you do.

hismineandours's picture

I report regularly to DCS (for my job)and I'd say about 50-60 percent of MY reports are not substantiated. I do think there are alot of problems with the general public out there reporting people. I know of ex's that report on each other-because they think the kids shoes are too tight or they let them stay up past midnight,or they yelled at a kid -these may all be legitimate concerns but they are not abuse. It does clog up the workers' time and then they dont have time to investigate situations in which children are being beaten, killed, and raped. I know alot of folks have poor opinions of DCS workers, but I have alot of friends who are and let me tell you it is a thankless job. Constant stress. Life or death decisions. Called out in the middle of the night to view the body of a dead baby. Truly a horrendous job that they make about 32,000 a year for.

I also have reported bm once about 8 years ago. that report WAS substantiated. She left him, at age 5, home alone with his 7 year old sister. Although it was substantiated they never actually "did" anything with her. I think they monitored her for about 6 months after that.

Disneyfan's picture

I am a mandated reporter. If I SUSPECT abuse, I am required to report it. I do not have to have PROOF to call in a report. If something happens to a child, and its learned that I suspected something but didn't report it to CR, I could be fired. It doesn't end there. The state could take my license and I also run the risk of losing my pension.

Auteur's picture

"She left him, at age 5, home alone with his 7 year old sister. Although it was substantiated they never actually "did" anything with her."

In NYS that doesn't matter. The Behemoth would routinely leave the, at the time, oldest who was eight alone with his six year old sister (who is violent) and his two year old brother. The Behemoth is a CPS worker for her county, btw. The worker stated that as long as a child knows how to dial 911, there is no age requirement for leaving a child(ren) home alone. Later, GG (biodad) quizzed the eight year old on fire safety. His answers were completely wrong and it was clear that if there ever was a fire, all three would burn alive or be overcome by smoke inhalation.

Conclusion: NYS is TOTALLY and militantly pro-BM even if said BM is neglectful and inept.