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Lesson 437; How to detect PAS

Auteur's picture

Does your BM give the skids the 15 minute long "going away to Fallujah for a year" greeting out in the driveway for all the world to see?

And then give the same "greeting" upon their return?

"OOOOH You POOOOOOOOR darlings had to go to that evil man and his whore's house this weekend. . .come in and tell mommykins, your BFF ALLLLLL about it!!"

You COULD be experiencing PAS!


overit2's picture

LOL....lucky me I never have to see the bm as I stay far away from exchanges.

And nah...for myself it's a quick hug and kiss and have a good time! And upon return a hug kiss and about their bsns.

livizzle's picture

We rarely do the pick-up from BM's (I usually pick them up from school on our days), but when we do, BM makes a huge show out of telling them 'good bye'. It usually ends up with SD8 in tears about how she "never gets to see mommy" because BM got a :gasp: JOB last year. She also calls 2-3 times per night, even if we only have them 24 hours. It's insane.

RaeRae's picture

When BM picks up the kids from our home after 10 days of no contact at all (her choice, the kids can call her if they want to, but we don't force them. She rarely calls the kids), she doesn't even get out of her van for a hug. She pushes the button to open the side door. When she returns them to school, it's after a morning of yelling and screaming, and dropping them off in the dropoff line at school.

However, if we have to meet at the school or the Dr. office, somewhere public, she is all over them with hugs and kisses... the younger ones get confused and try to push her away because this is not her normal behavior. It's just for show.

High Road Lynn's picture

I make sure when BM is dropping off and picking up in my presence that I have not eaten in at least 4 hours!! The dry heaves are enough to bare without trying to keep the vomit down.

It's like Jesus woman!!! You will see them tomorrow morning!!!

I just don't get it. Your job as a parent is to lift them up, be strong and smile. The acadamy award winning performance is ridiculous!!! She's crying the children are crying!! I'm crying because I feel guilty about the visions of stabbing her in the neck with a fork in my head!!!

MM1011's picture

Lol amen we have to drive my sd's to their mothers for pick up and drop off since she doesnt have a car and her pos now husband wont turn his hand to anything for the girls anyway drop off is easy they get out we leave pick up however is better than what is used to be i suppose it only takes about 30 min of waiting for them to get done with hugs and kisses :sick: it used to be we would schedule to meet her half way since she lived further away then but always at 4 she wouldnt show til 530 or 6 then would get the youngest to crying then try to get my bf to let them go back with her cause 'they wanted to' it would be another hour just for us to get out of the parking lot cause she would act like she was leaving then turn around and get the girls started again with ' oh mommys leaving now i know you want to stay with mommy but daddy wont let you so go with daddy it will be a long time before i see you again a whole two days what are you gonna do without me ' :sick: of course she would never call or check on them and would once again be late getting them back if she even came at all of course this has been going on for so long they think its normal but lord help us if me or my bf cant get them on our days we hear the ' daddy dont get us on time and he doesnt do nothing with us '