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Almost 60 Days!

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Since the last, high orchestrated, heavily scripted by the Behemoth (BM) "heartstring" notes "from the skids" (TM) it has been "all quiet on the western front"

The last note came 90 cents postage due as it was filled with crushed sea shells and a st. patrick's day pencil. It was mostly "from VD (SD12)" Yeah right. Inappropriately URGING GG (biodad) to go to counseling, fraught with spelling errors and speaking in the tone that a young girl would to a peer PENPAL. Conspicuous by it's absense was the lack of any "happy birthday dad" wishes.

Since then GG has gone to three "faciliator" sessions. Two that seemed to put the final nail in the coffin as regards GG's relationship with his oldest son, Brainiac, 14.

GG professed to be a traditional parent (he's not) so that scared off Brainiac. Also the news got out that Awesomeson was living with us. I'm sure he's told his mother and that in itself will keep the skids reeled in at her house.

Funny thing is, the heartstring notes were merely for the purpose of "guilting" GG back into his role as "non-parental status babysitter" as a convenience to the Behemoth when no one else is available for the dumping off of the skids.

I'm sure she never thought for a moment that he would actually go and see the faciliator/counselor!!

GG's 2nd appt with the counselor will be in a couple weeks on behalf of VD (SD12) Her last "heartstings" note included that she was basically boy crazy and made a FALSE impression that she was doing better in school. The counselor has already bought the sob story by VD that she does poorly in school b/c her mom and dad broke up (perpetual victimhood) and that she "blames herself" for it.

I KNOW this child and she would never for one nanosecond take responsibility for ANYTHING! She's a chronic liar and shape shifter just like the Behemoth. Manipulation artist from the word go

I guess that statement was supposed to invoke tears of guilt from GG and cause him to once again assume his former role as non-parental status babysitter for the Behemoth.


Coming up next. . .no counseling for Prince Hygiene (SS eight). . . yet. Will he or won't he see a faciliator for his youngest? Stay tuned!