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Counseling tonight - Thank the heavens and all that is holy!

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Things have improved somewhat since Saturday, but, there's a lot that needs work and there's a lot we need to discuss. I just hope our therapist can actually handle it beyond just asking us to think and reflect on it. I don't expect her to give us advice, more just, to have some insight to spark in us beyond "Hmm, so, how does that make you feel?"

SD is teetering between being polite and rude and, at this point, I can't even tell if she's doing it on purpose or if she's just being mindless about things. Some of it I can equate to she wants to be around her dad, which I get, but, she has to remember that I exist, too, and that I want to be near him and spend time with him. She's not the only one who missed out on spending time with him this weekend due to work. And, I didn't even get awesome quality time because 99% of it was focused on getting her to straighten up and fly right in the house.

However, some of it is just urrrrgh.

She interrupts me while talking - which I blame SO for because, guess who also interrupts me while talking, especially around SD.

Last night, she decided to go to bed without saying goodnight to me. Doesn't exactly make me wanna hang out with her on the weekends, I have to say. I was skyping with my mom when it happened, and, she claims she didn't want to disturb me, but, I told her tonight at dinner that, in the future, simply knocking on the door and saying "excuse me, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to bed and wanted to say goodnight" would suffice. At least she apologized without her dad having to tell her to do so, so, progress?

I'm also just grateful that I have personal counseling tomorrow afternoon. Due to a family crisis that happened last weekend, I had to devote my entire session to processing what happened, so, I didn't get to have a 'prep' session for the visit. At least I'll get to process it on my own, too, because I do know I have personal issues that are influencing my personal reactions to the nonsense - doesn't mean SD gets off the hook for being a snot-ass or anything - and some of it is me being sad because I fear she might secretly hate me, in which case, I don't know how SO and I would survive in a relationship. And, I know from plenty of counseling and being a psych major and all that jazz that, if you can't influence the way others treat you, it is not hopeless because you can influence the way you react to the treatment.