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AtoZMom's Blog


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I love My SD5, but the I have a small frustration with the situation right now...and that's moving to a new town/city....we currently live in a small isolated town...both DH & myself were born and raised here...I've always wanted to raise a family here but this place has change a lot in the last 5 years alone... We could move and have a good live somewhere else but Dh isn't going to leave without SD5, which is totally understandable, right now he see's her every week and its no issue to get her for events and such even if it's something taking place on BM's time.


AtoZMom's picture

So most of my family are starting to accept my SD5 as me and DH are actually engaged, and have a BD1. They all seem to have the mindset that no matter what happens BM1 &SD5 will always be sisters. My mom has even said if anything were to happen to me and DH she would invite SD5 over to visit and spend time with BD1! Most of my family have Skids and such, so most understand that situation.

That moment when...

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That moment when I should have posted some backstory in my last post! oh well! Got a lot of hate, i should have worded it different and also gave a little incite about the history of DH & BM situation lol
I tried to explain in the comments but I get defensive, i'm to emotional when it comes to SD5, her and my BD1 are my girls and I want the best for them!


AtoZMom's picture

So BM is taking SD5 on vacation for a week or two in July, last year they had a fight that ended up going to their lawyers about vacation and DH not wanting BM to take her unless she agreed to 50/50 custody (she wont cause of a bunch of excuses and no actual reason, had a rant about that in another post lol) She ended up taking her last year for a week and a half and DH started smoking again after being quit for almost a year. BM has a history of running away from her problems and her and her bf were in a major fight around her vaca last year. DH is afraid she wont come back with SD5.

Awkward but good

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so this week has been an interesting one. My SD5 graduated from pre school and it was the first time in awhile that dH and BM have been in the same room together (besides family justice etc) It actually went really well, both realize that it was SD5's day (DH would always put her first but BM is another story drama queen lol)
I was so happy that day went well and no arguing! (only thing i could have done without was SD5 hair being straightened. i love her curls lol but that's just me lol)


AtoZMom's picture

So today my SD5 graduated from Pre School today and she received a couple of certificates for for graduating pre school and another for completing a kinder-start program. My DH asked her teacher if he can get a duplicate of the certificates for us to keep. Her teacher is really understanding of the situation and is getting us our own copies. But this made me think of all the things that he misses out on because her mom usually picks her up from school so she gets all of SD5 crafts and projects throughout the year.

SD & BD Concerns

AtoZMom's picture

Okay so as when my SD5 is at our house (currently she is here every weekend) My DH has told her she needs to listen when I ask her to do something (chores and such) and when it comes to disciplining as well (time outs, no candy etc). I've been in her life since she was 2 and we have come along way in our relationship, I do her hair help her pick out pretty outfits, all the girly things her dad won't/doesn't understand (he got her into spiderman and ninja turtles lol)...when I try to discipline she completely ignores me or runs to daddy.
