I need to know if I am reading too much in to it.
Hello All,
It has been a while for me here. If you have seen my posts you know I am expecting a new addition to our family and my son 11 (I adopted my SS) is more on board with it and dealing. We went to family counseling and have been working on things. I also told him to suck it up and deal because this happening if you like it or not. Anyway that is not what this is about.
We decided with everything going on in the world this year and to give me and DH a break and to prepare for the new baby we would like kiddo to go see his aunt in another state for 2 weeks. Her job allowed her to have him tag along and be around. He came home for a little over a week and we let him go visit my in-laws for another two weeks. He will be home soon. We text, call, and video chat with him the whole time.
Anyway, I am still having a baby shower because well I want one but have left it up to people to choose if they attend or not. We have had this planned for a while and the aunt has known about it for a while as well. We picked the weekend based on her and my step-dads schedule.
We recently found out she is at her parent's house this weekend visiting them at the same time kiddo is there and will be leaving on Wednesday. They live in seperate states so it is still plane ride for her to get there. I asked my DH to find out if she was coming up for the shower her response was something like she is not sure will not know till this weekend because her job may have her work the weekend of the shower which is in less than two weeks.
For thos out there who have had a baby as the second baby compared to steps/adopted what is your opinion of this?
- AshMar654's blog
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No offense, but it's a baby
No offense, but it's a baby shower, during covid times, in another state. I probably would not attend either. I would just chill and take it easy and not stress about stuff like this.
I'm a little sensitive about
I'm a little sensitive about names, so understand that as my perspective. You are concerned that DH's family will treat your older child better than your child. An understandable fear as your older child lived with them prior to you and DH being together. And realistically, they will always have a different bond with the older child. That does not mean that they won't bond with the baby, they can if you let them in.
Throughout your post you refer to "aunt". Aunt, not DH's sister, not sister in law. Aunt makes her sound likesome nebulous relative related to your older child, but not you. My youngest spent time with my brother's wife. Only when talking about her to my kids was she aunt. When speaking about her otherwise she was sister-in-law. If you want a good relationship between your child and his/her aunt, try thinking of her as family (aka sister-in-law).
I have no idea where you are located or what the situation is there, but realize that some people may not want to come due to COVID-19 fears. That includes your sister-in-law who while she may know what your household and the in-laws have done, has no idea what the others invited have done. You may want to consider using zoom, or something similar, when you open gifts.
Zoom is being used for those
Zoom is being used for those who do not want to attend. I just say the aunt on here I refer to her as sister in-law normally. I consider her family and am usually nice to her but she still struggles with boundaries sometimes. I get frustrated occasionally. I make DH deal with as it is his sister.
I am probably being sensitive just worried.
It sounds like she has a work
It sounds like she has a work issue. It doesn't sound like she is deliberately avoiding attending.
Congrats Ashmar!
I am so excited about your baby! Good to see you posting. I hope you are doing well and enjoying preparing for your upcoming arrival. I just got to see, but not hold due to COVID-19 and his upcoming scheduled surgery, my little five month old nephew a few weeks ago... he was so freakin Gerber-baby cute I am still cuted OUT! It was soooOOoo hard not to kiss & squeeze his little cheeks, chins, and baby-fat elbows I'm still not quite right... so much to celebtate.
Just so excited for you!!
Thank you so much. After this
Thank you so much. After this little guy is here we will probably be very careful with allowing visitors and what not. I am just not sure because I have to put him in daycare at 8 weeks or have no job. I am having a shower because I know afterwards my family may not get to see him.
I hate all this and just wish it would go away.
I think it is quite likely
I think it is quite likely that your inlaws (incl aunt) will have a different relationship with your child vs the 11 yo.
Clearly they were very involved (through necessity) in raising the boy before you came on the scene. Their bonds are almost parental and from your prior posts it's clear that your own relationship with these people has been strained at times. They also no longer live in the same area as you and your family.. so there is also the matter of distance. With them all being some ten plus years older than when the first child came into the world.. they also may be a bit "beyond" doing a lot of care for an infant. So.. there are likely to be differences in the relationship. It's very likely that they will always be closer to the older child.. but that is also a lot due to specific circumstances and not just because he is the first born..
To be honest, based on past posts... it probably will be to your benefit if they are not as overly involved in your younger child's life. You had issues with them all overstepping etc.. and I would probably prefer to "raise my child in peace" vs dealing with overly intrusive relatives.
Will they love your new baby? Probably.. but the distance and relationship with you may have an impact.
That doesn't mean that your bio child will suffer for that.. it may just mean it's a different relationship.. and perhaps easier for the child without expectations and influences from so many parties.
Thank you! I do get a lot of
Thank you! I do get a lot of this and I expect alot of this as for the relationship being different. I just do not want it to get to a point where they overdo for OS becuase he is the little prince to them.
I do not want much for the new little guy at all. Honestly I do not want him to be spoiled and think that all they are there for is stuff and to get his way like OS does now. OS does not see them as parents at all anymore just people he can get whatever he wants from and do whatever he wants when he is with them.
I appreciate your perspective. I know they will love this baby.