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TX woman convicted of murder in relation to a child custody case

Anon2009's picture

And she's the BM of the child in question.

Apparently she killed her son's babysitter to keep her from testifying against her in a custody trial. I'd love to hear what Dad and SM have to say about this. My heart aches for the victim's loved ones, and the criminal's family, especially her kids.


CrazieCoconut86's picture

That is logical thinking for you... "If I kill the babysitter, I will be able to see my child all the time." WTF? I feel so bad for the family of the victim and the poor child who will have to live with the fact that his mother is a murderer.

lac925's picture

SMH This is what happens when people can't leave well enough alone. She obviously had something to hide if she went to this extreme. Now, instead of her actions getting her off scott-free, she potentially faces the death penalty! :? This just proves that all BMs are psychotic! At least she got caught and is being held accountable. May she rot in hell and never see her child again!