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OT-ACA rant

Anon2009's picture

It is not "affordable."

It is BS. Even congressional staffers realized that. They got exempted from it.

It sure is affordable for those receiving it, but what about those like me who will be footing the bill for subsidies for Obamacare recipients? It's just one more tax. Where do the entitlements end? I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. How much longer do our President and Congress believe their practices of taxing "the wealthy" can be sustained to give out entitlements?

The "big, bad" corporations aren't the folks who enact these laws. They want to outsource? It's a free country, and maybe folks ought to take a look at all the laws and regulations on the book that are unnecessary. THOSE are the reasons these corporations outsource.

I learned that the logistics senior vice president of Walgreens has been a huge force in increasing the number of people with disabilities who work there- Walgreens' goal is to " fill 20 percent of its distribution center jobs with people with disabilities." Similar things can be said for corporations like TJ Maxx and HomeGoods, grocery stores, etc. Many places have programs for employees/potential employees with disabilities. Real evil corporations they are, huh?

Why should we support something that the Speaker of the House (at that time) couldn't even be bothered to read? Heck, many members of Congress didn't bother reading it.

Like Willow said, these things should have time limits. And I'm not talking two years, I'm talking six months. Once those six months are up, you are D-O-N-E and can sink or swim.

I've had to deal with my state's Department of Rehabilitation, and go to one of their offices. Many people were there to collect their welfare. It astounded me how many of these welfare recipients had big hoop earrings, bling, cell phones, dyed hair and large, fake nails. They can't afford the basics, but they can get fake nails, bling, huge earrings and hair dye? It just blows me away.


overworkedmom's picture

Sorry! I didn't mean to get you spun up! LOL I was really blogging about my DH's attitude that rules don't apply to him and the reason that my SS acts the way he does is a direct result!

-As for the ACA, totally agree. It's all BS that we are forced to swallow because like you said too many congressmen and women didn't read it, they just drank the Obama Kool-aid.

Anon2009's picture

That's ok! It's nothing you said or did. If there is one good thing about Obamacare, it really has more people talking about how much longer this culture of entitlements can be sustained.

Willow2010's picture

It astounded me how many of these welfare recipients had big hoop earrings, bling, cell phones, dyed hair and large, fake nails. They can't afford the basics, but they can get fake nails, bling, huge earrings and hair dye? It just blows me away.

This is funny you say this...I was watching the news the other day about the government shut down. They were interviewing a person that was worried about her welfare and star card (food stamps I think) NOT getting to her due to the shut down. During the course of the interview, she mentioned she would be going home and apply for Obamacare. (And that is what she called it.)

What stood out to me was she was dressed better and had on better jewelry than I have. She was also holding a cell phone and she obviously has a computer and internet at home. AND she was about 100LB overweight. WTH???? She is worried about all her free shit and I am now having to re-budget my whole life cause people like her will not support herself! GRRRR.

Anon2009's picture

"What stood out to me was she was dressed better and had on better jewelry than I have. She was also holding a cell phone and she obviously has a computer and internet at home. AND she was about 100LB overweight. WTH???? She is worried about all her free shit and I am now having to re-budget my whole life cause people like her will not support herself! GRRRR."


princessmofo's picture

It's truly disheartening that I do the right things by my family, children and society to merely get a kick in the ass and an additional tax increase on my already pathetic paycheck.

So the moral of the story is:

Be a loser. You'll get stuff for free. Don't try. Because if you succeed you'll be punished.

And we wonder why we have an entire society of self-entitled "victims" in this country...

Willow2010's picture

Be a loser. You'll get stuff for free. Don't try. Because if you succeed you'll be punished.
EXACTLY!!! Sad isn't it!

3LittleDragonflies's picture

It took me a full day and a half to get through to sign up. THEN I couldn't complete the application because DH works and I don't and it would let me claim him as a dependent, but not him claim me... which is what we do on our taxes. THEN, I tried to start over... and I'm not allowed more than one application.

My health insurance premium didn't double. It didn't even triple... IT MORE THAN QUADRUPLED. It is now HALF of DH's income.


And FoodStamps is one of the biggest jokes known to man. I've been on them. It just made DH feel he could go spend money on stupid stuff since he didn't have to buy food. I hated it. He'd buy video games and new electronics and I'd be going "UM... MILK? BREAD? HELLO?!"

thinkthrice's picture

As far as the "poor" people getting freebies yet all done up with the latest outfits, shiny new vehicles, etc. I can attest to this myself. Used to see it when I worked as a clerk for subsidized housing, more specifically the Section 8 program.

The Unaffordable Health Care Act was just a vote buyer for the 2012 elections. Single payer systems work in other nations because they TAX THE PEOPLE on government assistance; so everyone has some "skin in the game" and noone can just vote themselves some more benefits.

If it is so wonderful, what's with all these exemptions for the current regime's voting base? And I love how the current regime is overly targeting their "enemies" by shutting down free or state funded national parks/items of interest such as Mt. Rushmore, WWII Vet Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, etc. Nice that they are shutting down NFL and MLB overseas satellite feeds for the troops, yet Michelle's "Let's Move" website stays up and fully funded. Very selective shutdown to make it painful for the productive citizens so they can keep their voting base happy and continue to redistribute the wealth from the middle class down to the bottom feeders.

Anon2009's picture

Agreed, he just bought votes. It's sad to see how many people he has duped into believing he truly cares about them.

thinkthrice's picture

I believe this all stems from the fact that Obama was raised as a "child of divorce" and entitlement (went to the finest schools in Hawaii, etc.)

He's not used to criticism or things not going his way. So he and his administration will do whatever it takes to get whatever they want.

Anon2009's picture

Oh yeah, he is a CLASSIC COD! He went to great schools, never was told "no," and has never held down a REAL job like we all have here.

Anon2009's picture

Just nauseating. I don't have a problem with taking out loans or going to school post-bachelors, but why couldn't they work? They must think money grows on trees.