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Only somewhat off topic- Alec Baldwin

Anon2009's picture

Did you hear about his tv show? The more I learn about him the more I believe that he's not a victim of pas. If a pap was truly annoying him, he could've shoved him and said "hey, a$$hole, f!ck off!"

It seems like the only thing he's a victim of is himself. He is probably everything he called his daughter in that atrocious voicemail.


Shaman29's picture

We will never know what really happened there. I'm not condoning his behavior but we've all see our DH's pushed to the limits.

There are two sides to every story, I wouldn't be so quick to judge him.

Anon2009's picture

No, but I'd hope I'd at least take it out on the right person-the ex.

How many of our DHs have been through he11 and back with pas but never left a voicemail like that on a child's phone.

tryingmom's picture

I'm not going to sit in judgment of Alec Baldwin. We all have seen our DH's limits pushed by BM's and the PAS they inflict on the skids.

herewegoagain's picture

We are not there. He not only has to deal with ex but every other person out there who is not in his shoes judging him. Heck, I would have 100% told everyone to F off by now.