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How do you feel about alimony and cs?

Anon2009's picture

Alimony: I think it can be a good thing if the person receiving it is using it to better themselves by going to school/a training program for a career they're interested in so they can make a better life for themselves and their kids, and use it as a launching pad so that when the alimony stops, they'll have a decent-paying job and will be able to provide for themselves and/or their kids. And for those who already have jobs, if they are using it on the kids and/or on learning a new skill, good for them. And if those receiving it have low-paying jobs, hopefully they too can use it to go back to school to further their career and get a better job. But I disagree with those who use it on nails, designer clothes, and things of that nature.

CS: I believe it can be good when not abused and actually used on the kids. It's when I see the kids being neglected while the CP lives the good life that irritates me.


Willow2010's picture

I do not think there should EVER be alimony.

I also think that all divorce scces should start off as 50/50 and no support eiher way. Then from there it should go to court if there is a good reason for it not to be that way.

PeanutandSons's picture

I think alimony is only appropriate in limited circumstances and for an limits time frame. If one parent gave up the opportunity to have a career and stayed home to raise the kids then its not fair that they are thrown to fend for themselves without the chance to find employment. A few years so the parent can get a job or a degree....not until they marry.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I totally agree with that. In my case, the BM acts like she can't get good, high-paying jobs because she's a mother. As someone who raied a kid alone and developed a good career, I obviously have a hard time with that. I think alimony for five years would have been sufficient for her to get on a career track. She already has a degree. But she want to be a part-time worker at best and believes FDH owes her for the rest of her life. Crazy.

PeanutandSons's picture

Whether they chose to get a degree or simply go find a job is irrelevant. What is not irrelevant is the fact that the working individual had the benefit of having childcare and home upkeep attended to throughout the marriage so they could focus on their career. The stay at home parent is the one that made all the sacrifice to their earning potential for the joint gain of the family as a whole.

(S)he definitely deserves some of that money that the Woking parent couldn't have earned if they had to account for child care to get back I to the work force.

PrincessFiona's picture

I think alimony laws are basically fair. When a couple decides for one of them to work and the other to not for any variety of reasons it's a mutual choice in their marriage. When they divorce the consequences of that choice are still felt. Alimony provides a vehicle for the parties to share that burdon that their previous choice created.

That's not to say that there aren't lots of people who work the system and abuse the good nature of the law. But that's always true.

Child Support is in my mind out of control in our country. Parents should only be obligated by law to provide basic necessities for their child, everything else is optional. If you can choose to provide it as a married parent you should also have the choice as a divorced parent. If I am not divorced I would not be obligated to allow my kids to benefit from my wages earned simply because the exist. I could choose what and how much they benefit from any incresed standard of living my pay might afford me. I can choose if I let them participate in exrta activities, college, braces, name brand clothes. Current child support laws do not protect my rights as a divorces parent to make those simple parenting choices.

On the other hand parents should not need to be mandated to support their kids just because spitefull people can not be reasonable. Parents - both of them - should feel morally obligated to provide above basic necessity for their children. But sadly many do not.

In theory I agree that all parents should be given 50/50 with no support until the situation proves that it is not warranted or safe. However, having lived it my views have altered along the way. When parents have similar or close pay/standard of living it works well. When one parent has a significantly higher pay the balance of power has then shifted. Because money is power, especially in the legal system. Also, both parents are responisilble for their children 100% of the time, not just the time the are in their custodial care. Kids should not have to live significantly different lifestyles because they live between two homes. I'm not a huge proponent of CS equallizing the standard of living but there is some merit to that.

misSTEP's picture

Alimony and CS are nothing more than money one person is entitled to from another person.

Money is not the root of all evil, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money can do good if used for good purposes. It can be horrible if used as tools to punish the person giving it.

Doesnteatcrow's picture

I think alimony can be necessary is some cases and in other is just plan stupid. My husbands ex wife had 2 bachlors degrees and worked from 22 until 40 stayed home for 4 years and got alimony so she could get yet another BS degree to make more than half of what should could have done with the other 2 degrees making him have to pay child support which is not used on the kids. And we have the kids 50/50 but they are always here by choice. CAN YOU SAY SHE IS A USER!

Willow2010's picture

I have the utmost repect for SAHM.

BUUUT, I think you should NEVER put yourself in the position to not have a job or education just to stay home and parent. Get a job and or education before having kids. To not do so…is setting yourself up to be dependent on someone else and making your life more difficult in the process also.

I would NEVER accept alimony from my ex husband. I made my choices as a grown woman and once we divorced we are not responsible for the other one any longer.

amber3902's picture

I wish more people were educated about alimony and CS.

Alimony - I wish people understood that when you get married and for whatever reason your wife does not work, the longer that situation continues, the greater the chance is that you will have to pay alimony.

Child Support - Some people complain about how much CS they have to pay. My exBF was the main one that used to b$tch about how much he paid in CS. Sometimes I just wanted to yell: CS IS BASED ON THE NCP'S INCOME!! It's not just some figure they pulled out of the sky!!!

If CS is $1,000 a month, it's because of how much the NCP makes. AUGH!!

Also, CS is not supposed to pay for every possible expense the children have so the CP never has to contribute anything to the care of the children.

BOTH parents are supposed to contribute to the child's needs. The NCP pays his/her share by paying CS, and the CP is supposed to pick up the rest of the expenses. If the NCP wants and can afford to he can contribute more than what he's paying in CS, but the custodial parent should NEVER expect anything more than what she/he gets in CS.

RedWingsFan's picture

In Colorado, CS is calculated by amount of overnights the skids stay with each parent and each parent's income, not just the NCP.

Even if 50/50 is awarded, there's still CS paid if the amounts of the incomes aren't the same. In DH's case, he pays BM $250 per month even with a 50/50 agreement because he makes more than she does by a certain amount.

Alimony - I don't know since I was never awarded (or asked for) it and neither was DH/BM in their divorce case. And she only worked part time and only toward the very end of their marriage. Other than that, she was a SAHM and they were married for 12 yrs total. It was her choice to remain at home even after their daughter entered school because according to DH, she was a lazy bitch and didn't want to work. She only got a job toward the very end because he said he couldn't afford their bills on his drastically reduced salary and then he lost his mortgage job, having to settle for retail sales. She only got a job because they were desperate!

Now she's asking for 100% custody of SD because she WANTS more money, and still is only working a piddly retail store job at 32 hrs per week, just enough to be considered full time. She makes no more than $12 per hour and lives beyond her means in a place she rents with her brother.

Disneyfan's picture

CS can increase or decrease. DF had to take a pay cut in order to keep his last job. He went to court and had no problem getting his CS order lowered.

Hanny's picture

My ex husband had to pay his ex alimony AND pay to send her to school. She was an American Airlines Stewardess when they married so after 5 kids she obviously couldn'g go back to that. Anyway she decided she wanted to be an inhalitation therapist so she went to school for 2 years. She worked exactly 6 months and then got married. He said later that he wished I could have gone to school (not her), would have benefitted all of us a little more.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I personally don't believe in alimony nor CS. I'd rather starve than rely on the money of someone who doesn't love me.

If I could support myself prior to marriage, I will do so after. If I choose to have kids, I make sure I can support myself first, should the worst happen. What do single mothers who are widows do? I hate the entitled aspect of CS. If my ex won't pay it, I won't make him.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I am in my 20's, but both I all the people (men and women) in my family are like that. If we leave, we leave with nothing because we are want for nothing. But my net worth and my investments are large enough and self sustaining enough that I don't have to worry about it even when I'm 40. I may be already staying at home, but the rate at which my savings (and subsequent investments) grow due to my investments are far higher than what DH can save in 4-5 years, literally. I came from a family with two generations who started out with nothing in their pockets when they went from country to country. First due to civil war, second due to trying to get a better life. No one helped them and they got to where they are today,

At that point (if all my investments fall through), I'd rather work at Mcdonald's or as a waitress, and living below my means. But then again, I only have a year and a half left to an acupuncture license, which is one those those skills that never leave, and I can run out of my own house (or even do house calls.)

In any case, my situation is different, because I know and am willing to go to other options. For me personally, I could never live with myself knowing I am taking money from someone else (who likely doesn't want to give it)--that kind of karmic debt and guilt is too much for me to deal with. So I'd rather nothing.

That's just for me personally. I understand it's the law so I don't begrudge or judge others who do take it. I just know I couldn't. After I got let go from my job, I haven't even bothered applying for unemployment because it's unnecessary, although everyone, including my ex employer urged me to.

Yeah. I'm weird about debt, even if it's just perceived. If an ex wants to give CS, then awesome. But I won't force him.


Er, just to add, DH and I are filing for CS for our kid. A portion of the money that will become untouchable by BM will go to paying off his lawyer fees. The rest, he wants to contribute to our child so I will use what's necessary from it--but I am putting the same amount in that account so we truly are equal when financially rearing our kid.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture


The our kid thing is because I'm pregnant and we're filing for CS for it because he wants to make sure he pays for our child and that that part of his income is untouchable. (We have completely separate finances and separate residences that we are each responsible for, so this was the best way for him to contribute--otherwise his leftover could be counted as income for other things. I'm matching his CS contribution as well so everything for the child comes out of that single account--clothes, food, education, etc. We will know exactly how much we're spending and saving for the kid.) I don't believe in it because I would not have married or procreated with someone who was not going to try to financially contribute to raising a child we have together.

I understand in the future, that there is a chance he could choose to not pay, in which case I am not going to go after him nor complain about it. I took the risk, as with everything in life, of having a family with him, of not working. I am not, nor do I feel I am entitled to anyone else's money. My child is not entitled to anyone else's money. No one has to support me unless it's through their own free will. That's just my take on it. It's hard to be a single mother, it's hard to take care of oneself, but I personally feel that I have ways to make it work without forcing someone else to pay my way.

That's just for me personally. I can't speak for anyone else, and if they receive it or if they want it, that is for themselves and I think if they believe they need it, the by all means. I don't look down or judge them.

It's just that I can't without feeling guilty. I just can't (it's weird, but that's why I don't enjoy birthdays or Christmas either because receiving gifts make me uncomfortable and guilty, for some reason.) That is an issue with myself and my own compunctions.

oldone's picture

Everyone should be supporting their children - even skanky assed BMs who think they should not have to work. This is not the 1950s where one assumes that "mother's don't hold jobs".

Alimony is ridiculous. I lived in Texas for many, many years which had no alimony. That was a good thing. In fairly recent history there is now some limited forms of alimony.

If one is stupid enough to sit home with no skills then it is YOUR fault not the spouses. If the spouse says "You cannot work" well you made a mistake by marrying an asshole.

I'm a big believer in personal responsibility.

What is so common these days is for one partner to QUIT their job - when the working spouse gets tired of supporting a deadbeat a divorce follows and the worker has to pay alimony to the one who quit their job. Lots of men are doing this to women especially in California.

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^THIS. 100%

I never gave up my right to work and even if it was a minimum wage job, I held one.