calling CPS on someone
Not just on BM, but anyone.
Have you done this before?
DH called CPS on BM . It worked in our favor, because we had documented everything to the nth degree and provided all of it to CPS.
I know that CPS has done a crummy job in some cases. However, I think a lot of it has to do with documentation. You have to document every single thing about the adult in question. It also helps to have every doctor & school report.
I remember reading about a case here where an op notified the tx CPS about her SS' BM and they were appalled at what they saw. They made her get therapy, take parenting classes, report to them once a month, etc. I don't know the outcome of that case.
So this thread is to inquire/speak about two things:
1. Do you know of/have any success stories regarding CPS?
2. Notifying CPS can work. It depends on your documentation and case worker. Some of them are rock stars while others are crappy at best.
- Anon2009's blog
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Ugh, I am a mandated reporter
Ugh, I am a mandated reporter in my state due to my job. My supervisor and I were just discussing the other day that it seems in my county in my state that someone practically has to murder someone to have CPS do anything other than beat around the bush and make threats that they NEVER follow through on. It's very frustrating.
I'm sure there are some success stories, but I have YET to see one and I have been doing this for 13 years now.
My BIL is going through a
My BIL is going through a nasty custody battle and had cps called on the BM over a single bruise on the arm. He thinks its a slam dunk win for him to get custody now but sadly I know better from reading the stories here
Wow, I don't hear about that
Wow, I don't hear about that too often! It's amazing what a BM can get away with, but if a Dad did this, he'd be going to jail pronto (and deservedly so, but the double standard is irritating). Are the kids doing ok these days?
I live in Canada so it is a
I live in Canada so it is a bit different system with the same goal. Which is supposed to be to protect children. I know the system can fail and is overwhelmed with ppl calling just to get back at their ex's which then takes away from the Social Workers having the time they need to deal with the real issues. But I do know one of the mandates it to keep the kids with BIO parents if it is considered safe and of course that is left up to the Social Worker to decide. My Dh and I and even my SS called CPS on BM. The worker ended up going over to her place and sitting for an hour chatting and drinking coffee. It was very frustrating. CPS was called in our case due to lack of supervision and the fact she smacked him across the face because he screamed getting into the shower because the water was cold, then told him he was a waste of skin! They did nothing. Needless to say we documented everything we could and got custody of him.