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BM is PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

annoyedbyskids's picture

SO SS17 tells me last night that his BM doesn't even know if she and their SD have plans for their anniversary. UGHHHHH!!! Are you fking kidding me. Supposedly that is WHY she is waiting till around the 17th to get HER kids for the summer. TOTALLY PISSES ME OFF!!! This tells me that she is just making excuses and doesn't really want the hassle of them being there with her for an extended period of time. WTH!! They are YOUR KIDS!! My bio kids are already gone for the summer. My husband has been out of town working SO I am here yet again with the two stepsons. I work also. BM does NOT work. So these kids will just be sitting at the house doing nothing while waiting on her to decide when to get her OWN kids. She really just pisses me off cause not only is she punishing me she is punishing her OWN kids. ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Step up and be a freaking MOM and deal with your own kids, instead of out of sight out of mind!!


Cocoa's picture

aren't skids old enough to be left alone? no friends, the kids stay in the house. they'll be so bored they'll get on their mom's ass. if this is a constant thing with her, document it and ask them to recalculate child support for time missed.

annoyedbyskids's picture

Yes they are old enough to stay home alone. The problem is you can't trust them. They wrestle around or fight and have already busted a big hole in the wall that we had to fix. They are grounded because of failing and attitudes so they are not allowed to do anything but sit in the house.

misSTEP's picture

What would she do if the skids were dropped off with all their stuff on her doorstep?

annoyedbyskids's picture

I do not know what she would do other than scream at me and cause my life HELL even more. She lives 3 hours from us. The last time to had them for the weekend was Mother's Day weekend. The 16yo told her he was moving back with her because he doesn't like to follow our rules. SO IM guessing she is giving him time to change his mind, cause she can't handle him, which he is the problem child in our home and hers.BUT the fact of the matter is he is HER SON and it's shouldn't be left up to me to deal with these two kids constantly. She doesn't work. I work a full time job. DH works out of town. SO ultimately they live with me.