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annie two's picture

Hello, this is my first time on this (or any) blog. I have been reading your entries and realized that there are other people with similar issues as I have. I will have to learn the codes - what is DH: Dear Husband?

I have a husband and two step children. This is my second marriage. My first husband left me for a younger woman so I got divorced. To his credit, I was battling my second cancer which takes it's toll on the people that love and support you (I learned). I think it pushed him over the edge. He was a good husband up until the affair that he had. He did take very good care of me through two terrible cancers. He is a good person, I know it sounds strange. It did hurt so bad when he left because I was just starting radiation treatments after finishing chemo for my second cancer (the breast cancer). But he is human I guess.

After the divorce, I lived on my own. After about a year, I met a wonderful man who worked at the bagel shop across the street. We talked every morning for about a year, then finally went on a date (I asked him, ha!). We have been married for two years now. I do not have any children (could not have children). He has two children, twins a boy and girl. They are now 15 and I love them to pieces. They are my reward in life! They both live with us. Their mom lives in Florida and they visit her.

Well, that is my background. The reason I guess I wanted to join this blog is because sometimes I worry that my step children don't really care for me, they maybe just want to be here because it is a nice house and we give them everything they want. I love them so much and all I want is for them to have a good education and get into college. And have a good life. I feel worried because of some things I found. My husband tends to want to ignore it.