SD's Counselor Had Some Interesting Feedback for FDH
A week before I disengaged and went on anti-depressants, I told FDH that my only other suggestion for this YSD situation (computer addiction, defiant behavior, refusing to talk to adults, etc...) was for us to pay visit to her therapist without SD and BM and to get her thoughts. Well, he did nothing and I checked out.
Of course, this really got his attention that he'd driven me to the point where I needed meds to deal with life. So he finally made an appointment. He asked me if I wanted to go and I just looked at him like he was crazy.
He went to the therapist yesterday and heard some very interesting things:
1- BM hadn't taken SD for an appointment in over a month.
2- SD may have some social anxiety but they are not handling it properly. They can't allow her to sit on her computer and avoid real people, not speak when spoken to, not learn social skills, etc...
3- She said they may even want to consider cold turkey with the computer for the rest of the summer. But decided to go back to the limitations. (4 hours per day here. Not sure what BM will do.)
4- If SD throws a fit, he takes the computer and doesn't give it back for a week.
5- If she hits him or BM again (I've seen this too many times), he should Baker Act her and make her spend the night in a mental institution and talk to a psychiatrist.
6- If the two of them don't do something about this now, it's just going to get worse.
7- He told the therapist that his SO (me) has "completely LOST IT" over this. She said she could see why and that he needs to fix this for everyone's sake.
8- He needs to force her to ride bikes or walk or something because she has no physical strength anymore from being in bed on a computer for months.
9- They need to put her back into her accelerated courses at school and not allow her lazy self to dictate the level of education she will receive. Not being with the brightest kids like herself is not helping.
10- She needs to see the therapist every week. (He's taking her tomorrow)
He came back from the appointment all excited to tell me all this. He also CCd me on the email he sent to BM on the topic. I didn't really say much other than "Sounds like you are in good hands with her". I am not going to have big discussions about this with him. I will be supportive and try to remain calm when it hits the fan this weekend. But that's it. I will not be telling him when her four hours are up or how much time she's already used. I am done helping with that. He needs to do this.
I really do hope it was a wake up call when he heard that a professional thinks her behavior is outrageous enough to warrant calling the police to our house to have her taken off for mental evaluation. I hope he sees that this isn't because she's "intensely shy".
We shall see...
- Anne Boleyn's blog
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Glad he heard all of this and
Glad he heard all of this and I hope now he will get on board with what Dr is saying and BM will also. You are taking the best route, just stay out of things best you can and let DH handle it. Hope meds are kicking in for you and helping.
Thanks. They will take 4-6
Thanks. They will take 4-6 weeks for full effect. But I am starting to feel the dark clouds lift a bit. Now just dealing with side effects today-- jittery and dry mouth. Fun.
Involuntary commitment for
Involuntary commitment for mental eval. You call the cops, you ask to have the kid Baker Acted because they are a threat to someone else in the house, they take them down to the local mental health evaluation center and they stay at least one night.
My ex used to work in one of those places and let me tell you, it will scare the bejeezus out of her. The place is filled with schizophrenics, bipolars off their meds, etc... Screaming, yelling, restraints for some... it's bad. But they get them on meds and regulated.
But of course, he will likely never ever do this.
dang! even 4 hours sounds
dang! even 4 hours sounds excessive. great job taking care of yourself!!!
I agree! But I guess you have
I agree! But I guess you have to start somewhere. It's better than 24. And man, oh man, is she going to resist. They did this briefly before it was hell. But then she started turning around and there was a HUGE change in her personality. That alone should have given them reason to realize it was effective and keep it up. But they decided to be lazy instead.
And it does feel good to take care of myself.
I am glad you FDH finally
I am glad you FDH finally went to see the therapist. It is absurd that your SD hasnt been to an appointment in a month when she really needs it. Well, at least your FDH knows what he needs to do. Hopefully he will follow through and it will be better for everyone. I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.
I'm going to have to tell my
I'm going to have to tell my SO about what the therapist said. I've got an SS with social anxiety and SO never makes him do anything. Won't take him to therapy.
On one hand, I feel
On one hand, I feel vindicated. On the other I feel like "Why the hell did it have to get this bad and ruin so much of our time before you decided to take this seriously?"
Then, I went and bought a
Then, I went and bought a house without a basement
That is too funny!
We have a basement but we have quite an extensive home gym down there and DH is not about to give it up.
Oh yeah, there's also that little agreement when we first got together that no other adults live with us. So glad I brought that up all those years ago.