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My Grandmother's comments make me so mad

Annanymous's picture

First, I love and adore my grandmother. However. She treats parents like shit, even me. She will tell your kids that you are mean and Graaaaanny loves them and then she stuffs them so full of donuts, ice cream, and candy that they will get sick and she will tell them they are so abused and pitiful that you don't let them eat that for lunch.

She told me that I will treat my unborn son sooo much better than my SD13 and that I will not be so hard on him monitoring his facebook when he is 13 and that I will truuuust him with a cell phone and texting on school nights and I won't be checking HIS facebook and pooooor little abused SD must have it soooo hard with me being on top of her allll the ttiiiime....

I laughed my ass off; I said after truuuuusting DSD with her phone and catching her at 12am on school nights texting, you better believe this boy will not have access to be trusted from the start with a phone after bedtime regardless, we learned our lesson already with the first one. SECOND, boys can be tricked by pedophiles on facebook with fake accounts and kidnapped just as much as girls, so you have things backwards because I would be equally or more so on top of his internet usage if I am so meeaaan to her or if I was so meean and didn't care, I would just not give a shit about the daughter's internet access and being unsafe now would I??

My grandmother tells me that my uncle abuuuused my poor pooor cousin Tony aww Pooooor Tony has three kids by 23 and can't get a job or take care of any of them and he has a FREE HOUSE a FREE CAR and a FREE 18-WHEELER TRUCK paid for by said evil abusive uncle...Because uncle told pooor Tony he was stupid if he dropped out of high school. Of course, Princess Tony dropped out. My grandmother used to check Tony on his body, legs, back, etc for bruises when he was younger...

NOW, she tells me pooooor pooooooooor Lex, mean old Dad Tony abuuuuuses him. They refuse to give him anything to drink except 4 ounces of pineapple juice three times a day for meals and NOTHING ELSE so they don't have to change his diapers. THey also never wash his cup and it is soured and rotten inside and when pooooooor piiiiitiful Lex visits HER house she washes that cup and gives the poor pitiful thing a drink of water secretly.

OMFG I want to vomit. I love my grandmother, but I am SO fucking sick of her putting everyone down as abusers. Three years ago, she made me cry when we visited. She took my stepdaughter to the basement and got her to say she was AFRAID OF GETTING IN THE CAR TO GO HOME WITH ME. WTF All because Tony's bratty daughter kept hitting MY daughter (stepdaughter), so I gave her a "for your best interest cause that kid is a brat look" and said "Daughter, if she hits you, even with a towel and saying it is a game, do not hit her back for anything just come tell us." WHY? Because the brat was hitting my kid with a towel and her hand then if she playfully swung the other towel back at the brat, the brat would come tell Tony and Grandmother that my daughter was "hitting her to be mean". So, my daughter was extremely obese at age 5 because of prednisone usage for two years; "moon face" and big belly. We were warned by doctor and we could not do anything about it. It was important to limit her sugars and carbs and increase vegetables. She was great, she still got an icecream about twice a week. But her cholesterol was high. My grandmother shoveled candy in daughters face when I left the room. I got mad and told daughter she was not to take any of it without directly asking me first- one is fine, but two pieces of cake or THREE is not allowed. - I was mean for not letting daughter eat THREE LARGE pieces of cake! I was told "pooooor little girl has an evil stepmom and no mommy and you won't even let her have any cake when it is sitting right in front of her". I cried all the way home. She told me my daughter wanted to stay with her at HER house and never go home because she was sooo scared of ME and I was MEAN. She sees my kid twice a YEAR.

I never understood why my mother was always so angry at grandmother and I loved grandmother soo much but she fed me chocolate icecream for dinner every night- seriously.

I am obese and in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Grandmother was telling my husband how as a child and as teen I ate a WHOLE CAN of biscuits for breakfast and half a tub of chocolate ice cream for dinner and nothing but Pepsi. She then segwayed into how FAT SHE was and oh can you BELIEVE she is 143 lb now aaaaw. Now my whole life she has done this, talked about how she weighed 110 lb until she was 50 and couldn't gain weight to save her life and how she is so faaat- and every damn time, I would say oh you're so not fat granny, good lord, look at ME... This time, I said "good god just shut up about it, between you and aunt seriously, does it make you feel GOOD to make a point to compare yourselves to me every time you see me and point out that I am fat? Really? I KNOW I am fat, I KNOW IT. I know I am HUGE pregnant and fat, what do you want????".

Just so you know, grandmother's three kids are completely self-involved assholes that treat her like shit and use her and expect the world to bow down to them. Any guesses how they got like that?

I am ranting about my grandmother, yes, in relation to my stepdaughter, but I do love her and Iam not "severing ties" with her or anything. I have to deal with it that she is "just that way", but it really hurts.

Next time she says I am a horrible mother to my stepdaughter, I am going to shove the phone in her hand and tell her to call CPS or STFU. It is all not just really that she thinks that- it is that catty female way of making herself "better" than the parent she is talking about or talking to. SHE would TRUST DSD with the phone SHE would TRUST DSD to walk around alone with her boyfriend at 13 (cough, my mom was a teen mom!), she would TRUST DSD on the facebooks (Cough, DSD is closely monitored for talking to strangers online after MULTIPLE TIMES breaking our TRUST about it). SHE would let DSD eat whatever she wanted whenever she wanted (HELLO I have HORRIBLEeating habits thanks to chocolate ice cream for dinner, but MY daughter loves broccoli and steamed carrots and potatoes and beans and is able to eat at her friends' houses and MY daugther actually THANKED me for raising her right about the foods and the internet yesterday after we got home WITHOUT me saying ANYTHING about granny. MY daughter said "Good god, I am glad you have rules and enforce them, I can't imagine how bad it would be if I age ice cream nightly and the acne and the body problems OMG...And yeah, I know if you gave me the phone after 9pm, I cant resist using it to text and would text to 12am, but I am glad I don't have it to have the temptation because I WAS irritable and sleepy at school and unfocused..And god I am glad you made me eat vegetables growing up...I wish you could eat them and not have such food and health problems too Mom...And I am most thankful that you caught me talking to that stranger that told me he was a new boy in school that deleted his account when you said "this is Janes MOM, what is your mothers name and teachers name, cause OMG I really would have met him at the park and lied about it because Iwould know you would say no and god knows what that man could have done to me or my friend".

So, I win. I love my child by doing right by her NOT by being lazy and raising her to be a self-entitled spoiled brat as an adult. (My aunt STILL had my grandmother go to the doctor with her at age 30 and to every doctor appointment of her son until he was 16 and granny started in on HER about being mean to the boy omg they moved four hours away after that and aunt's husband was accused by grandmother of being mean and abusing my cousin...

I am so mad and it really hurts too. From now on, I am just going to say, YEP I am horrible and beat her and treat her like shit, so just call CPS and we're going home.