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Run in with In-laws.............. errrrrr

anita...sigh's picture

My in-laws live way across the country from me, the nephews are grown and doing great things in other parts of the world. I've only met them once but we seemed to get along and I assumed they would share the same values and sense of humour my DH does.... boy was I wrong.

I really am begining to believe Facebook bad! I recently commented on my sister-in-law's picture of her grandkids and my nephew.

Just a brief, chatty, tongue and cheek deal, kids are getting big, looking forward to seeing you again, the girls (DH's 3 and my 2) are emerging from their teenage nastiness and are now enjoyable. I mentioned that BM has been sick and broken her neck but since she will not communicate we were unsure of the truth because of the local "rumour mill" and that BM had been a big "wench" but was now leaving us alone. As a result, I received this from DH's nephew:

He wrote: "it would be great to see you guys, but i dont think we need to be so nasty to family members, its rude and without taste. but enjoy whatever high horse you think your on! .......wench? I wish you didnt ruin such a good family picture.
and im glad these kids are through their nastiness and becoming enjoyable for you! cause its not really about them is it?
sorry terry i love you, and would love to see you soon, but this is only slander.
love always rumour mill ya know!"

I immediately panicked (PTSD from dealing with BM and her craptastic attitude maybe)

I wrote:
I'm so very sorry and embarrased. I will see what I can do to delete asap. Completely insensitive of me. Please accept my apologies.

And deleted the "offending" post immediately. Next thing to show up is this comment from sister-in-law after my apology:

Sister-in-law wrote:
"Don't know what is happening in your world, but don't mess with mine.

I showed DH and he was shocked and said it was bullshit. He spoke briefly to his brother about it saying they were out of line, I love stepdaughters and do a lot of things for them that their mother doesn't. Not to mention, we allll joke about the nasty teen years!

As a result, SIL has now "banned" me from her facebook. I never want to see, look or speak to these people again. SIL is a biker bitch wannabe and it looks like her nasty fucking attitude has rubbed off on nephew.

What the hell is wrong with people these days! And they think BM is soooo fucking wonderful then they can have the bitch. I'll keep the stepkids since I've suffered throught some pretty intense shit to get to our happy place they can go to hell.

Sorry, a vent. I'm a very nice person, my first thought is not that people are assholes and shit disturbing so when this attitude is pulled on me, my patience where thin.

Truly, I just want to ream them a new asshole, I want DH to ream them a new asshole and then I want them to go to hell.

Guess who won't be visiting her in-laws EVER!!! Dh is very supportive and feels the same. Just the same, I'm pissed and need to get it off my chest before I start world war III in the family.

Damn. Anyone got some extra bitch genes I can have. My backbones a little weak too.

Thanks for listening.


AVR1962's picture

I had a few similiar incidents with FaceBook and family, rumors coming back to me, my status & posts had been interpretted and sadly misconstrued and then people were going around saying I said things that never were said. It is very very frustrating!! I had to really stop and think what the purpose was for me to have a FaceBook acct and who I was trying to connect with. I had let on way too many people that I didn't really know that well, family that I had not seen in years, and with all the gossip I realized this wasn't what I wanted.

Rather than closiong the acct, as I was having fun connecting with friends, I took ALL but one of my family members off with the exception of my grown children. I also took all of my husband's family off. Only one person contacted me to ask me why, and only one other person requested my frienship after I took them off. I just let the one family member know that I didn't want everyone know my business, that things I was posting was being misinterpretted and so I made cuts.

People don't pick up the phone anymore. Our society as a whole is genuinely comminicating less and less. I figure if my inlaws or my family want to know how I am doing they can call. For whatever reason family is the worst when it comes to making things into something they are not.

ddakan's picture

That's why its nicknamed "fuckbook", because it messes with your life. I had to block my ss17 and the BM2 because the psycho BM2 is adding all our family and she's been out of it over 10 years. Yea, she's on anti-psychotics and marijuana to keep herself calm.

BM wants to inflitrate my DHs family his kid with BM1 whom she completely ignored. I told my skids that they had an older sister and BM2 came unglued, now she adds the girl to her fuckbook. I really want to come unglued on her.

At least DH agrees with you about it all. People are insensitive. They don't care about your life, they are just screwing with it for their own dramatic sake. No loss for you there; if they are THAT petty--you aren't missing anything.