BioHo is mad at DH
PrincASS came home for Christmas. His flight got in very late Wednesday night. Thursday morning, BioHo called DH, SCREECHING because PrincASS was G-O-N-E. No, he didn't grab his duffle bag and go back. He had the NERVE to LEAVE HER HOUSE WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING.
DH told 'Ho:
PrincASS is 18yo.
He's in the Army.
PA is an adult. His boss is the Army. Period. Dot.
Apparently, PA contacted some friends who picked him up to go hang out. ALL day and late into the evening. And he wouldn't answer 'Ho's incessant phone calls. Bahahahahaaaaa!!
(DH did SUGGEST to PA that, to keep the peace, he could let 'Ho know he's going out. Nothing more.)
DH picked up PA after work on Friday (midnight) and he stayed at our house until 4pm on Sunday. The skids were at our house on Christmas day at noon. PA stayed. And stayed. He finally went back to the 'Ho house yesterday evening and 'Ho is FUMING because PA has only spent 2 nights under her roof and will NOT spend any one-on-one time with her. He'd rather hang out with DH or his friends.
It's DH's fault that PA:
* doesn't want to stay at the 'Ho house, which is complete chaos
* doesn't want to spend time with 'Ho, who still treats him like a little kid
* wants to spend time with DH, with whom he has LOTS in common and who doesn't treat him like a 10yo
* refuses to tell 'Ho who he (PA) is hanging out with or what they're doing.
PA will be back at our house tonight. Excuse me while I sit back and eat popcorn...
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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OH isn't it sweet sweet
OH isn't it sweet sweet revenge when a skid grows up and sees his BM for the absolute psycho that she really is! How fun this must be for you Aniki. Hope you're having a bit of adult beverage with that popcorn
Cooooookies, hard cider is
Cooooookies, hard cider is great with popcorn!!
No but it is his fault the
No but it is his fault the boy seems to be growing into a decent adult. Good for him.
Of course BM is going to cry and moan. That child is her possession after all. Her tool to manipulate people and get what she wants.
DFTT, BioHo is a narcissist.
DFTT, BioHo is a narcissist. Her children are 'extensions' of her. When her oldest daughter (DH's step) moved to another time, 'Ho had a freaking COW because it was TOO FAR. It's about 30 minutes away!!
When PA decided to join the Army, 'Ho did everything in her power to try and dissuade him. She then encouraged him to FAIL boot camp. It would be OKAY, because she was going to change her will, leave everything to PA, and let him move into the basement (set it up as an apartment), so he could live there forever and eventually inherit the house.
'Ho has 5 children. IMHO, it would do every single one of them a world of good to move HOURS away from 'Ho's reach. PA has definitely blossomed. His confidence has skyrocketed (not obnoxiously), he's finally outgoing, and is actually pleasant to be around. I can honestly say that I LIKE the young man.
We don't have internet and
We don't have internet and our work blocks email. The only way we can access email is to buy computer time or use my sister's computer.
We hear about BM's on this
We hear about BM's on this site a lot. Your BM seems to be in a category of her own. I am sure she is a real pain for you but her stories are quite amusing. The good news for you is the karma bus is going to hit her head on one day. That will be the day you will be eating popcorn all day! In other words she is cra-cra.
Queensway, that karma bus is
Queensway, that karma bus is looooooooooooooooong overdue. DH and I were talking about that over the weekend. 'Ho has been scheming and lying and manipulating for about 25 years and is continually unscathed. I swear, if *I* were to speed, I'd get pulled over and ticketed. I certainly do not understand how someone can go for decades without consequences. :?
Doesn't BM realize everything
Doesn't BM realize everything that her adult Military Son has done IS normal.
Mehhh, yeah it would have been thoughtful to write bm a note HEY mom wont be coming back to night, catch up with you later. IF he would have left a note, would she have been blowing UP his phone with 'where are you, who are you with, what cha doing, do you need money'
(PIG PEN...omg rolling lol)
Goodluck, of course she does
Goodluck, of course she does NOT!!
I said to DH, "Let me guess. The reason he didn't answer 'Ho's calls was because 'she'll start yelling and bawling that *you don't love me*'." DH said, "How did you know that?!" Hey, I'm psychic!!!
PA already KNEW what kind of crap 'Ho would pull if he told her and wanted to avoid drama (which he hates)...
Where are you going?
Who are you going with?
What are you doing?
When will you be back?
I wouldn't be surprised if 'Ho would ask if she could go, too. I vote for a text right after he leaves...
Yep, PigPen. IMHO, he makes Charlie Brown's PigPen look like a clean freak.
My parents did that to me
My parents did that to me (well, my dad did) when I was 18 and back from college during winter break.
I stayed "beyond my curfew" time...didn't even know I still had one.
With great grades, a job in addition to full time school.
I never lived under their roof again.
PA is correct.
I moved back in with my
I moved back in with my parents for a short while, but they didn't treat me like a child. I did (do), however, have great respect for them and would let them know when I'd be out all night. They never asked any questions. HUGE difference.
Well Aniki, regrettably I can
Well Aniki, regrettably I can say I have heard of some BM's who would belly up to the bar with their adult kids, or hang with out with their buddy's.
Something very off with moms like that.
Thankfully your ss not putting up with HER nonsense. He is 100percent normal.
Pigpen...omg just funny.
How about BMs who encourage
How about BMs who encourage their underage daughters to lose their virginity under BM's roof so the daughter will be SAFE? Instead of encouraging them to WAIT. :sick: :sick: :sick:
I've known of people (neighbors of friends) who buy their underage kids alcohol and allow them to have parties. :sick:
I'm sure BioHo will do what she can to make PA feel GUILTY!!
Woman, you wouldn't think it was funny if this happened...
Skids were dropped off after dark. DH and I were already outside so the we all got into the car and went to the store. The BRIGHTLY LIT store. PigPen had on jeans and a tshirt that looked like they hadn't been washed since John Wayne was born. The tshirt had a huge rip across the back and you could see his filthy skin. He had so much dirt and grease on his hands and forearms, they were almost black. His fingers WERE black. His neck was so filthy is looked like he was wearing a turtleneck pulled up to his ears. The dirt on his face looked like he had a full beard and moustaches amidst the cherry Kool-Aid ring around his mouth. DH literally stopped in his tracks, said "BOY", grabbed Piggy by the wrist and hauled him to the bathroom. They were gone almost 20 minutes.
That first one is awful I'm
That first one is awful
I'm gonna try to encourage the Skids to wait as much as I can! One of my fears though is I'll get the "well BM was sexually active starting at 9..." Her parents shouldn't have allowed that first off... (MIL told me about that, she likes to talk, I really don't want to know most of it... GAH) But BM has made some HORRID choices and I could see her encouraging them just because she did... Because that's how she is...
I don't get it...
PA, BioHo WAS sexually active
PA, BioHo WAS sexually active starting at age 9. Seduced her first *man*, a 12yo. She didn't get knocked up until age 15, but (from what I hear) not for lack of trying! 'Ho's parents had NO idea. They thought their little darling was playing Barbies with her little friends; not pulling friend's brother into the bushes to play doctor. :sick: :sick: :sick:
all three of ya's should
all three of ya's should block her number for the evening.
or, wait, I GOT IT - make a shot game out of it!!!!! every time PA or dh's phone dings or rings, take a shot! }:)
Tuff, funny thing... DH's
Tuff, funny thing... DH's phone, for some INEXPLICABLE REASON, was turned off. And PA left his phone in the car... At least, that's what he told 'Ho. Guess that was a toy phone I saw him fiddling with... }:)