pms? or have I just lost it?
Damn near everything pisses me off right now. Work, hubby, kids (every last one of the five of them), family members, in laws, holidays, bills, both bm's, my xh, friends, EVERYTHING! I feel like a toy wound up too tight. Not looking forward to yss weekend when I'm trying to get sleep while on graves. Last week, dh had to yell at him for waking the baby less than two minutes after telling him to be quiet because she was sleeping. Oss keeps saying to both dh and I how much he wants to come visit, but then doesn't. Obs has actually been talking to me like he did before my xh began his "your mom is a whore" brainwashing. But, I keep waiting for the catch. Ybs and school ...ugh....and my poor baby daughter is just cutting teeth and is miserable. I want to crawl in a hole.
- AngeLily's blog
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I call it "going on a
I call it "going on a rampage" and once I look at the calendar, it does usually coincide with PMS time. I look at everything I have said and done that day and go, "Wow, I am being a real cranky b&tch today." Ha. My advice is that self-care is wonderful, but if you are going to do an activity, make sure that there won't be an interruption. There is nothing worse than trying to take a bubble bath, do yoga, meditate, read with a glass of wine..etc and to have kids bugging you for a snack, hear yelling and thumping around or some other crap. If taking a class at a gym or going to a coffee shop is an option, I would suggest that.
I was that way a couple days
I was that way a couple days before my time last month lol I was fed up his ex and his daughter my two boys and him I snapped lashed out and said everything to him I rant about on here lol well sometimes a girl can only take so much!
Thank you to everyone I
Thank you to everyone
I really appreciate it!