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thank you

andrea's picture

I thank you all for your concern about my SS7. He's out of the hospital and doing much better.
For those of you who read my previous post. Husband said that for the next surgeries (3 more we have dates for) I am more than welcome to ride down there with him, spend the night in the hospital with the child. He will have a private room, but next time there will be more space in the room than just a small sofa and a hospital bed. DH and I talked and I told him that I would not be a babysitter if I am not going to be considered a parent. He said that he thinks I am a better parent than BM and that makes her feel bad. He doesn't want SS to know or think that BM is a bad BM. SS is a mommas boy but BM is kinda trying to fase him out of her life maybe for good who knows.
DH is trying to make an effort to ignore her calls and stop talking to her as much because he now understands a little better why it bothers me. He still doesn't understand why he shouldn't be friends with his ex-wife, but I am working on that one, if you have any suggestions let me know. I also told him that if this doesn't improve and soon that I will be leaving. I told him that I have a friend who is looking for a roommate with a little girl, so I told him that I would be leaving and taking our daughter. He really seemed to get the picture. I guess we will seeing soon. Hopefully everything will improve. I like taking care of the kid when he's been with me a few days because he's a decent kid after I get all of the caffiene and junk out of his system.
I'll keep posting about how things are going. But he hasn't called her or answered her calls yet today.


Most Evil's picture

Glad you were able to talk with DH about it - hope it gets better! Smile
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2