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f***in c*** exwifes!!!

andei7's picture


I need to talk to someone bout my problems with this women she is the meanest nastiest most horrible mother i have ever met i hate her guts and i need to vent to somebody i need to talk to some body so who ever may read this please reply cuz she is now telling my boyfriend that he can only see his children 2 days a week and she is demanding more money she does weed and takes pills right in front of her children she screams shut the fuck up to them she never plays with them or interacts with them she just sits and plays with this new baby she had with this other guy and the fucking list goes on and on bout this women!!!!

I do so much for the kids and with the kids i am being more of a mother figure than she is or ever will be she is on state insurance gets food stamps and doesnt work !!!!!!!!

Please anyone out there that is going through this i need to talk with them and if yiu have ant ties to any low cost lawyers so my boyfriend can get divorced and have full custody of his kids !!!!!!!!
anything please someone respond!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you Smile


stepmomto3's picture

I'm In the same boat!! I was 19 when me and DH started dating. He was 33. 3 kids. 2 BMs. Im 24 now were married and it is a lot of drama! You just have to ask yourself is it really worth it? Is he worth it? I said yes so of course I put up with all the shit. It does get better eventually!! I got a restraining order on BM#2 cuz she's crazy psycho never let him see the kids...flash forward 5 years and two youngest are living with us now (and let me tell you there is a HUGE difference between weekend visitations and full time "you're not my mom") If you have any doubts whatsoever then I would say goodbye cuz if you're not sure you wanna be in it for the long haul, then it's not worth wasting your youth cuz it's gonna be a bitch!!

SS 9
SD 10
SS 16

andei7's picture

yes he is still married and he is giving her cash right now for child support and now she is threatning him to only let him see the kids 2 days a week when me and him have a 3 bedroom app. for his kids and at there moms they have 7 people in a 2 bedroom app. but he just needs to get divorced already and get done with this shit !!! and i am going crazy with her also crawling up my ass bout so much shit :? can you give me advise bout lawyers or just advise in general ?

mcnat's picture

each state is different. you'll need to look up lawyers in your state and your bf can also contact the attorney general to figure out what he can do as well. but, my advice to you still stands, get out of this mess while you can

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Lawyers are EXPENSIVE and the fees continue to add up. My husband is going through a custody battle right now. Over the last 8 months he has racked up about $6,000 and that bill continues to grow. As far as just general advise...I'll tell you what..if I could go back in time to when I was 21 and met my husband, I may not have taken the same path that is for sure. It has been almost 6 years of never ending drama and it has caused me a lot of stress, anxiety, and depression, And my husband only has ONE kid! I would think long and hard about this and decide if this is truly what you want for your life. You will never come first. His children and their mother will ALWAYS have a say in YOUR life. I would say to be putting up with the situation you're in, your man better be treating you like a goddess.

andei7's picture

i got to go but hit me up to what i wrote you and i will talk more tom. at library and time is running out on my computer Sad k bye

Disneyfan's picture

Those "men" are taking advantage of these girls. They are looking for a nanny/house keeper with special bedroom benefits. And if they get to hang onto their wives in the process that is a plus. Most women their age will not put up with their crap so they find 18-19 year olds who will.

OP, I have a son, cousins, and a SS your age. They are in college or working, dating and having the time of their lives. You have plenty of time to settle down and have a family. Enjoy your life. Discover who you are. Get out in the world and soar. This man,his kids and his wife, will hold you down and suck the life out of you. Don't let them do it.

stepmomto3's picture

I agree that most older men do take advantage of young girls. and I have been in relationships like that. Not all are like that. DH never talked down to me or tried to "father" me or even try to dress me (that was ridiculous)like other relationships Ive had with older men and has always been amazing. Just the amount of baggage that came with him was nuts. So it is rare but can happen. DH is only three years younger than my mother. Mother never had a problem with it because he treated me so well. The only issue she ever had was no money! LOL

Disneyfan's picture

A 38 year old with 3 kids and a wife :jawdrop:


He's a big boy, let him deal with his drama on his own.

mcnat's picture

i agree with what everybody else has said. you're so young! Run as fast and as far as you can and don't look back. Finish your schooling and find a guy your age and try to make it work. Relationships are hard enough without all the negative's you have going against the one you're currently in

Oi Vey's picture

BTW, I was 17 when I hooked up with my XH... (notice I said EX) and he was in the process of divorcing with one small child. I've been there, done that.


momSterto3abd3's picture

Oh honey, I'm sorry you're frustrated. Like all the others who've stated the obvious? He's twice your age, still married & has 3 kids?
There's always 2 sides to a story and let your BF deal with this drama unfolding. He's the adult.
As for you, my darling? I wish you the best if you choose to stay in this mess; THIS will make you old before your time.
If you need to post, perhaps you'd do better in LD..I think that's legal questions. Check on the website. If not, tell BF to take himself down to the local Family Law Self-help center. They can't answer questions but they can refer you to the correct forms to complete for your BF to respond or file motions in Family court.
There is a self help website as well if your state has it. You can look up references for the forms to be filled out. I wish you luck if you choose to follow this endeavor...I say, "Run Forrest; RUN!"

oneoffour's picture

OK, first,,, havbe you seen her doing weed and popping pills? Or is this per your elderly BF?

Honey, you are YOUNG. Mr 38 is old enough to be your Daddy. I bet you are not too much oolder than his kids. In fact you are closer to their age than his which says a lot aobut his character. He wants to sleep with someone not much older than his kids./

If he cannot work it out at 38 and tell his wife to take a running jump off a short pier then he has no balls and she will always control the situation. Get used to it. This isn't about his wife, this is about how he allows himself to be treated. He could have her arrested but won't. If he really wants to bring her to her knees he would havbe her arrested for drug possession. But he hasn't. I don't care if his kids get upset, he wants his kids he has to fight for them instead of being pussywhipped from both ends.

Keep away until the divorce is finalised. For all your complaints about her weed and pill popping and cursing out her children he STILL lets them go back to her. If he hated her behaviour so much he would move heaven and earth to keep his kids safe.

But you will ignore all the advice in the world. YOu will get pregnant to him and have a cvouple of kids and one day the sun will rise and you will realise what a crappy position you are in.

beyond pissed-off's picture

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use birth control and don't sign anything legally obligating yourself to him. You will want to stay with him for now. You will think that your situation is different and we are all full of crap and "don't know you." We have all been there in one way or another. Every woman has her own issues to deal with at 19.

So do what you are going to do. But for the love of god, don't do anything that you can't get out of like having a baby, giving him money or buying property and putting it in his name only "because his credit is better." And find a way to save some money that he does not know anything about in a place that he can not find. At some point you will need it and need to get ahold of it fast. If you feel guilty about it, tell yourself that, if you never need it, you will buy him an amazing present 10 years from now. Good luck.

stepmomto3's picture

You said she smokes pot in front of kids right? and does pills? Why don't you call social services. You don't have to tell them who you are. You can tell them youre a concerned neighbor who watched her do it. That may or may not help :?

Rags's picture


I am an older man who married a single teen mom and even I say you need to GET THE FUCK OUT.... NOW!!!!

My wife was 18 and I was 30 when we married after dating for 9mos. We met in college her first semester out of HS and the last semester of my 11yr undergrad career. So, we actually had a bit in common. I am 11.5yrs older than she is and I did not bring any spawn baggage to our blended family. We just celebrated out 17th anniversary so we have worked .... so far.

All we had to deal with was my SS-18's SpermIdiot and the SpermClan which was nothing compared to dealing with an SO who is twice your age with 3 spawn and at least one crazy bitch of an XW. I was married previously but had no children and was far past my XW when my wife and I married.

Lets assume for the sake of optimism that your relationship survives for the first few years. When BM gets rolling on draining your SO dry on CS, if the divorce is ever finalized, the family you create with your SO will be burnened with financial difficulty for a very long time. If you choose to stay in this situation I strongly urge you to get your butt in to college and get a degree. Not easy with several young children and a new marriage but necessary if your family is to have a snowballs chance in hell of having a decent life.

My wife did it. She was 16 when her son was born, 18 when she and I married and went on to finish college, grad school and is now a CPA.

If you decide to stick with this avoidable train wreck ..... Welcome, I hope you find this a good place to vent, contribute and to pick up some useful advice from others who are living the blended family dream.

BSgoinon's picture

^^^One of the WISEST MEN that I have the pleasure of "knowing (cyberly)^^^

I would take his advice. (and do, often)

mommaofsoontobe4's picture


Personally, I would have waited to get involved until AFTER the divorce, just to ease up some of the messiness of it all. That being said, I'm in a similar boat. I hate my hubby's ex ONLY because of the things she does to the kids. Same idea, cusses them out, buys drugs infront of SD13, and talks about sexually explicit encounters she has with men she meets with SS13 too. Luckly for me, hubby has full custody, and we are MILES away from her.

For everyone else, yes, he may be twice her age but that doesn't mean he's a terrible person. My hubby and I met online (ooo taboo) and I didn't tell him my age until after I told him I loved him. It was something he didn't like actually. He was afraid that in a few years I would decide he wasn't worth it and I would leave him to go "enjoy life". It wasn't anything like him wanting me to nanny the children, or the idea of bedroom perks. Matter of fact, when his XW would drop the kids off for me to look after " because she had to work" he would call her and blast her because as he said, their kids are their problem and I'm not there to be a babysitter for her convenience. I love him dearly and yes we do have a ton in common. I've always felt more comfortable in a circle of friends who were much older than me. Yes strangers think it's bizarre when I say my husband is older, but the people that know us, know we work well together and that we ARE inlove. That being said, he's not the only reason I am here. I moved from Canada to be with him. Why? Because to move the children to me would be a change that would be way too much for them to soak in all at once. New marriage, new mom, new house, new country. Way too much. I love the kids as if they were my own. I do things with and for them of my own accord. Not because hubby wants or tells me to. And no, I'm not trying to "win" him or anyone over. I guess what I'm trying to say is there are different paths for everyone. Not everyone wants to be a mum especially to someone else's children. Even fewer want to make that commitment at a young age when you "are supposed to be enjoying life" (Can't tell you how many times I've heard that line). To anyone that asks, I can honestly say I AM enjoying life. I would take the mommy bag; with the extra snack and all the emergency supplies and band-aids, to go to the county fair over the Gucci purse to go to a club, any day.

joanie's picture

first of all you are a sexy, intelligent young woman with years of being pampered by men ahead of you. do not for one moment forget: in your current relationship YOU ARE THE CATCH-NOT HIM.

he is a paunchy, balding middle aged dweeb with baggage all over him. married. bred. getting older every day. and you? not even ripe yet.

do not help him or deal with any crap. don't put up with a single thing. you want him divorced? "if you're not single for me in six months I'm leaving and if you don't file papers this WEEK I'm gone"

honey if you shout jump he will say how high.

as for the kids, be sweet to them and come here to vent when they bug you.

but the exwife stuff? put your pretty little foot down. he should be doing ALL the work, finding a lawyer, etc. that is the price old men must pay to have such fabulous young companions.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

You have your whole life ahead of you. Do you really want to be tied to this crap forever? Girl TAKE MY ADVICE, I started dating my husband when I was 21, he was 25 with a 2 and a half year old daughter. He was also still married but had filed for divorce and we were together over a year before his divorce was finalized. I am almost 27 now and let me tell you, the BABY MAMA drama NEVER fact it gets worse in most cases. You need to go out and live your life for YOU. You will most definitely regret it 5 years from now when you have lost your identity and everything you do is for your man and HIS children.