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Try to figure this one out

alwaysthemom's picture

Skids in my home don't want anything to do with having a family camping trip or anything else for that matter UNLESS: there is jet skiing, tubing, friends to play with, their gonna get something etc. A little insite: we are going camping with my parents and brothers. Skids are suppose to go to their BMs this weekend. They were told they could go camping if their BM said it was OK. First question out of SS and SD mouth is are we going to tube, jet ski? I said I don't know. So then they call their BM and ask what are we doing this weekend? So I"m figuring the deciding factor is what would benefit them the most. I quit telling them what is going on because the only time they want to be around is if they are getting something or getting to go somewhere. Shouldn't it be enough to spend time with family???? It was for me and still is. Why am I aggrevated by this? This happens all the time. Springbreak skids wanted to go early to bms house. I told them to ask their bm and dad. They went. Needless to say I had big plans on Friday for all the kids before they left and skids didn't get to participate. Oh well their loss. I think biokids and skids should make a decision of the heart. It should not be about what am I gonna get. Just needed to vent.


Anon2009's picture

I know, it's aggravating sometimes!

I also think a lot of it depends on their ages. My SDs are 11 and 13 and don't really care to go on vacation unless it there will be something fun in it for them- i.e. shopping, going to the movies, taking friends, etc. Case in point: we went to Yellowstone and they were bummed out because they a) didn't want to hang out with us all the time and 2) there's not a whole lot to do outside of Yellowstone. So we ended up making a drive to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, because there are a lot of shops there. They liked that. They still refer to it as the most boring vacation they have ever been on and that the shopping in Jackson Hole was the only fun part.

I think it's just a kid thing and they'll outgrow it in time. I hope I'm right!

The Principlist's picture

I think you handled it just fine. My skids do that too. Problem is that they normally don't have BM to fall back on. I come from a huge family on both sides. It is very important that we spend time together AS a family. We wanted to be sure that all of the cousins grow up spending time around each other like we did. So we have special family days.

On my dad's side of the family, we get together every second Sunday of the month and do a huge pot luck dinner. The dinner has a different host each month so that no one person gets overwhelmed. It is usually at someone's house and as would naturally be the case some homes are easier to be at and entertain kids at than others.

On my mom's side every 5th Sunday, meaning every month that has 5 Sunday's in it, we get together and go to a park and do a huge barbecue. Since we are at a park, there is plenty for the kids to do (basketball, skating, dodgeball, tag, you name it).

Well, it is WRITTEN on the calendar on the refrigerator and the time is the same EVERY time. The kids want to know who is going to be there, what are we eating, can they bring a friend, blah, blah, blah, blah. It annoys the heck out of me. NO you can't bring a friend. You see your friends EVERY day. You see your cousins every month or every three months. One day without your friends is not going to kill you. It doesn't matter what food or people are going to be there. We are going and that's final. It's not as if they don't like the answer, they have a different option. And you would think after doing this routine for 5+ years they would get it. NOT! We go through it every month. Aaauuugggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

kaffonseca's picture

Alot of it IS the age. My BD13 tries the same thing..if we are doing something as a 'family" like going to a park,etc..she always says it's boring..and can she go to a friends or bring a friends. I actually just told her today that from now on Sunday is our family day and she will not go to anyone's house or have friend's over. That is OUR day as a family..she might not like it now..but when she is older she will be thoughtful of it.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

ferretmom's picture

My kids were so self involved at times I could have walked away and they wouldn't have known I was gone until they wanted something. The first time we drove cross country we got to St. Louis at night. The Arch was lit up and there was a gorgeous full moon behind it, took my breath away. I tell the kids to look there's the arch and their response was "McDonald's". They had no interest what so ever at sight seeing with me. Now they regret it and keep saying they want all of us to take another cross country road trip so they can experience and appreciate it as adults.