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Laughing inside

alwaysthemom's picture

I know I have ranted and raved on here about BM and her ignorance. But tonight I realized something. I'm the MOM, maybe not bio but I am. I'm the one who sacrifices, does without, tries to make life better. Not that POS who wants to be called MOM. SD10 had a basketball game and I took her. Didn't want to go after I heard BM might be there. I can't stand her. BM knew about the game, was going to it. She did not even bother to call and see if SD10 wanted her to take her. Kind of selfish in my opinion. Since the last visitation, BMs had SD10 jersey among other things, that's another issue. BM brings it to the game. Of course I have a backup just in case she's a no show. I love this part. BM has alienated herself from anything and anyone who is involved with her kids. She sits by herself at games(occasionally when she happens to make one), doesn't know the kids teachers, doesn't know their clothes or shoes sizes(has to call us) etc. She speaks to no one and no one speaks to her. I guess she's figured that she can't undo her behavior by pretending she's done nothing wrong. Paybacks are a b*tch is what I say. It's written all over BMs face what a pathetic loser she is. Who's laughing now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


stepmom2one's picture

I am glad you are realizing this.

I think Rosedeer will start to realize and enjoy this soon as well.

Anon2009's picture

Ever since my DH got custody of the kids, BM hasn't bothered to get to know who the SDs teachers are, what activities they are involved in, or how the SDs lives are going in general. Unlike the BM in your situation though, I don't think she realizes how bad her behavior was. IMHO the BM in my situation thinks her behavior was A-OK. When the kids are sick, it's ME they are asking for, not her, although I know it is so hard on the poor things that their mom can't be the one to take care of them when they're sick. I go to the parent-teacher conferences. I spend quality time with each of those kids. I make sure they're properly clothed & fed. I make sure they have a good quality of life. I give them lunch money. I make sure they have a place to call home. I make sure that they know they're loved and cared about here (and so does DH). I order their swim team swimsuits, their soccer uniforms, their basketball uniforms, I pay for them to play the piano and take lessons, and I transport them everywhere they need to go (and so does DH). Does BM do any of that? NOPE!

alwaysthemom's picture

My DH and I do all of those things too. Good for you. I know it shouldn't matter what BM thinks or how she feels but it feels good for me to be the one who the kids look for in the stands and not her. I've had to put up with alot of crap from BM over the years and now she gets a taste of the world she's created. DH doesn't want her around at all, ever. Can you blame him? Parent is a verb, not a noun.

dan_nicole's picture

She doesnt know her childrens clothing sizes? Thats terrible. Ill never forget when BM called me one year and asked for her daughters Social Security numbers for her taxes! You would think somebody would let these ppl know that parenting requires being involved