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O/T - some one stop me...

Acratopotes's picture

Jsut read a piece about horrible gifts at the office Christmas party......

Now I need advice, either help me straight to hell with silly things or talk me out of it....

rolled up old dirty sock with a message written on it - to remember me by...
packet of condoms,
huge adult pull up diaper - new one not used
biggest bra i can find....
box filled with rocks
2 black coles

The way out office is doing it, each has to buy a gift less then 5US, it goes into a box and people simply pull from the box, but you are not allowed to take your own... I find this stupid, we already had the company bash where we got nice gifts, now each dept has a get together with this crap... really are we in kindergarten....

I so want to get gag gifts for each and every idiot...... and no not the same gag gift downsouth is getting her SD....


Salems Lot's picture

Acratopotes's picture

my family is going to suffer this year lol.......

fanny floss, hell just get a g-string then....

DaizyDuke's picture

Did you ever see the fake lottery tickets?? ... like you scratch them off and it says you won 10,000.00 Then when you read the fine print, it says something like "Hey, you unlucky little leprechaun, you didn't win jack shit. But if you want to look like an idiot, take this ticket to the nearest 7-11 and try to cash it in" It's a freakin hoot!

Acratopotes's picture

I'm getting Aergia one of these lol.... she does not know but lottery is illegal in this country...