Birthday weekend ruined
I'm here just to vent...
This is my birthday weekend, due to covid we have SD all week so I was expecting to enjoy with DH alone this weekend (SD spends weekends with BM). My parents are coming tomorrow to have lunch... SD will be here, I'm so mad about it, we are only adults and her... I just can't accept this situation * cries in silent *, why does life hate me that much lol
- acef92's blog
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Here's the deal we didn't
Here's the deal we didn't tell SD anything because since DH and I are married we spend my birthday weekend only the two of us . This year was not the exception because we invited my parents and we are only adults and she is 12. Until this morning SD didn't knew about we having lunch, my husband mention this at lunch today and suddenly the kid will stay and BM is busy tomorrow. He doesn't want to tell anything to SD because he doesn't want her to think we don't want her here and cause problems etc ( you know this skids and BM problems) so I think he prefers to ruin my birthday weekend instead...
Then he stays home with her.
Then he stays home with her. Then you make his life very uncomfortable for the next week or so , so he never goes this again. He needs to feel negativity of some kind. over this. Does she have any friends she could go see? A babysitter ? I swear, why can't men put their wives first one day of the year???!!!! Is it too much to ask? Eyeroll
RIGHT?! she actually can stay
RIGHT?! she actually can stay with someone but my husband is acting like nothing is happening here, I know is so unfair but I'm tryin to act normal because I know is her goal to bother me
Ye Olde
"Don't want the skids to feel unwanted/unwelcome." (TM)
"Want skid to feel comfortable about dropping in/staying longer." (TM)
You will need to train H not to spill the beans to SD as most skids are the BM's little spy. GUBMs love this arrangement and encourage it.
Make sure there are no "bedtime activities" when SD is around and be sure to have him spend oodles of quality time with SD this weekend while you go off to perhaps a botanical garden with your parents. "Oh, SD would be bored, dear. You can stay home with her and get some QUALITY time."
Men don't get it until it impacts then directly. Talk to H and explain that everything he tells SD WILL get back to the BM and be taken advantage of. If he doesn't believe it (he won't) just concoct some wild story like you won the lottery and see how fast it gets back to the BM.
Agree- him H deal with entertaining his kid on your birthday weekend and go off with your parents- enjoy yourself!
Plan another weekend away for
Plan another weekend away for your birthday.
Cancel the lunch with your parents
As everyone else has suggested, re-schedule. Then make your DH more worried about disappointing you then a child.
Seriously, it is one day a year. But it is the one day that is supposed to be all about you.
Happy birthday! I hope even
Happy birthday! I hope even with SD there this weekend you still end up having a good birthday. And trust me I know your pain!! I've had to endure so many holidays with SD being with us. And I'm not exaggerating when I say I have literally gone through the calendar for the rest of this year or next year and looked at all the weekends and all the holidays to see how many I have to spend with her until she turns 18. Luckily I'm all done having to spend my birthday with her. Last year was the last one and it sucked!! it was right at the beginning of Covid so we couldn't even go out to dinner so we were all stuck here at home eating takeout.
I don't have to spend another New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day with her either. The only thing that sucks is this year and next year we have her for the weekend that is our anniversary. This year it falls on a Saturday so it's right smack in the middle of our weekend we have her but next year it's on a Sunday and she will be 17 and a senior in high school next year so I'm really hoping DH will do the right thing and she will go home Sunday evening to her mothers so we can have Sunday night to ourselves. But I'm not holding my breath.
I thought I only did that...
I do the same thing - counting weekends! I plan my car apts on weekends his son is over just to get out of having to see him and deal with his "baby nature". Even my 15 year old daughter goes with me so she gets away from him too.
OP-your DH was an idiot for mentioning it-he could have not said anything and she went back to BM as expected. YOu have two options, go do something alone with your parents to teach him a lesson-after all it IS his visitation time or see if your parents can swap dates if you have to include your husband.
I have to ask though ginger, if the mom has majority custody, why wouldn't you expect to have majority holidays? Not sure what your visitation is.
And I do have another big pet peeve, as step-parents we can certainly learn to work around special dates. I mean if your b-day anniversary fall on a skid weekend one year, then just celebrate before or after? Why is that such a big deal? We all know it's more traumatic to swap weekends and create a mess with a HC parent then just adjust our celebration day?
Also, no reason you can't go out to dinner and celebrate and leave the skid at home...I mean what -do intact homes do? Never celebrate their bday/anniversary? I mean leave them home alone if age approrpiate or get a sitter. Why should the BM have to bend to take her home early when HE is responsible for her during HIS time.
I'm sorry but my kids grew up with a father who didn't give a damn and spent the least amount of time possible with them, NEVER took them holidays, his EOW consisted of Mid sat afternoon to early afternoon Sunday. Took them twice on a week vacation of which he cut early by several days. Never took them the weeks in summer he was supposed to. I realize non-custodials can decline their visitation but imo it's a crap parent thing to do, especially when CS is based on them having that time with dad in most cases. My ex's excuse is he had nobody to watch them while he was at work, even when they were certainly old enough to not need him there (he never remariied). Instead it fell on me to take up his slack. My sons have suffered inmensely because of their dads lack of interest and rejection of them. IMO if you as a step-parent are contributing to their distancing themselves by suggesting to skip their parental time, you're a POS, sorry. At the minimum you're horribly selfish. The odds of the kids being with dad on your bday are probably 1-2 in an 18 yr period since the day always changes and most dads only have EOW. Same with anniversaries. And you can't handle it?
I'll add the 'the one day it's supposed to be all about you' is just pure American entitled selfish BS. Just like the wedding day it's 'all about me day' when it's about BOTH of you. It's one day, it's ALSO one day that can be celebrated at any other time. I"m pro stepmom 99pct of the time but sometimes the selfishness and pettiness on this board from grown women is just absurd.
I agree for the most part but
I agree for the most part but a lot of step parents around here come in last. Asking for one day might seem selfish until you realize they never come first. Dysfunction at its finest. If it's gotten to this point, being told your selfish isn't really helpful, but just another level of gaslighting. What we see these forums is not normal behaviors.
Ok, yes, you do have a valid
Ok, yes, you do have a valid point. If that is the case then the problem is the DH not the skids being there though kwim? If you're always last with everything, I can see getting very upset about not having that one day. Granted we all base our responses some times from our own experiences. I will admit I could be biased based on my ex's behavior with his own actions over the years rejecting his kids -with no stepmom in the picture.
Nowadays he moved back to S. America over a year ago without even telling his sons he was moving. He hasn't reached out to them but bitches that they haven't called him also. He's sick with MS or Parkinsons, something like that. He's one person I can say I don't care if he's alone sick and feels rejection from his own sons -he rejected them their entires lives, I hope he suffers and pays for it dearly.
Oh no I totally understand,
Oh no I totally understand, the problem here is that we already have plans. We actually have SD all week and almost all holidays with us but BM is totally like you described your ex, same situation here but with BM. This weekend was BM time, and actually we made plans with SD and my husband family to celebrate my birthday next weekend. So the deal here is first of all DH is letting SD (who isn't nice at all with me or my parents) and her BM control my weekend, I would never have problem about celebrating this other day but they did it hours before and as I said we have an agreement
Yes, I totally get it then.
Yes, I totally get it then. If it was already planned and it was BM's time I would be pissed too. Totally get that 100pct. Since he switched w/out telling you, I would cancel the plans w/her next week and BM can make up her lost time then. Fair is fair.
I would absolutely leave him
I would absolutely leave him at home with her and go somewhere nice with my parents. The situation is of his making, so let him deal with it.
Monkeyseedo - I sent you a
Monkeyseedo - I sent you a private message (as you should have done to me) and not voiced your (wrong)opinions on this persons blog. Hopefully you will read it and realize you were out of line1
I only addressed you in ONE
I only addressed you in ONE line, the rest of the post was simply a generalized sentiment because I have seen on the board where step-parents can alienate their skids from the spouse or encourage them to decline visits or end them early. If that doesn't apply to you, then it doesn't. No reason to tell me what and how I should post or address. You're entitled to post whatever you want as I am. Again, it wasn't directed at you. That said, I find you very odd in your constant battle responses to everyone who posts to you or in your threads. So I suggest you just ignore posts you don't agree with because we are free to post what we want. If you make a public post or thread, people can respond as they want. You're not the board police and you don't get to tell me how I should reply to you.
DH opened his mouth
Let him deal with her. You go with your parents, have a good time. Then next weekend DH will make it up to you. Weekend away in some nice hotel with a excellent restaurant