butterfly's Blog
Why are Birth mothers are all sadistic and Game Playing B%$#@ and do Court orders mean nothing
Why is BM such a bitch. Why didnt dh stick up for me. i get on great with all of dh kids. Butr BM2 is a total bitch my darling h went from having his kids for 3-4 nights every break (he does a five and five rotation) to just when ever she felt like with out notice if they were comming or not. sometimes it would be 50-70 days between visits. Till i supported my dh into getting a court order so we knew when we were haveing them. then to it not being met by her to now the kids can only come between 10-4 on either a sat or sun when I'm at work thats how the last mediation went.
Going to court what do we need to do
We are going to court later this month. I hope it all goes well am very nervous. We are the ones who are wanting more regular visitation. She didn't respond to the order and we go to court next week.( she regualy with holds visitation for stupid reasons)
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ever wanted to dob in BM
I have a question I have been dreaming recently about dobbing in bm as she gets single mother pension, cs, lives with her new partner and works full-time. Breaking I dont know how many laws. Than she has the gaul to use her kids to manipulate my so. Restrict visitation and prefer to put vthe youngest n daycare because she only pays $9 for the day than have him spend time with his dad.
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BM now says that kids want to come to wedding and wants to know date. Do we tell her?
We are getting married in January and really want the kids to part of the wedding or to at least attend. when we got engaged she said she was happy for us. But when it came to engagement party which was a close family and friends day time bbq she wouldn't let them attend. Stating that the kids have no interest in our wedding. than with held access for 6 weeks. SD5 was really sad about not attending and was difficult on her first visit after. Saying she thought we didn't love her.