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torrieanna03's Blog

Is it just me or do all parents forget things sometimes?

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Last night my 6D had a t-ball game. I had to meet them there because I working. Well, her dad (my-ex) gets there and is mad because she doesnt have her BOW in her hair. Really? It was in her bat bag but you would have thought I brought her with no clothes on or something. And who really needs a BOW in their hair to play ball huh?!?!?! I got 20 questions on why she didn't have it. She really loves her t-ball but sometimes I wish she wasn't in it so I wouldn't have to be around him. He finds little things to nag about. It makes her uncomfortable.

What to do ???

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First let me warn you that this may get long... My husband and I moved in together when he daughter was 8 months old and my daughter was 2 years old. We were not married at the time. He would get her and all she did was cry unless someone was holding her or entertaining her and her mother called all the time along with his parents which drove me crazy. At first things were ok and I tried to just deal with it but between his parents and the childs mother I got tired of dealing with "STUPID".