Virgo85Nurse's Blog
SD is 14. Recently moved to England with mom and step dad that's in the air force. Long story short mom spoke with daughter and made the decision to move without discussing with her dad. There is no custody order never has been. He was basically told it's what she wants. Mom always lets her do what she wants. She's missed weekends over the years to spend it with friends or birthday parties or her family. I've repeatedly told him to get an order but he just wouldn't do it. Biomom argues and her parents have a lot of money and we don't.
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Car for teen-help
Currently we are just a few days out from my DS 16th birthday. Myself and his stepdad got him a car. (Nice used car from my brother in law who gave me a super deal on it) it's like new. However I know my ex and his family. I'm just waiting to hear the words from his mothers mouth says this is a gift from your mom and dad. Because he pays child support. She's done this before when I got her nephew (my husbands cousin) a nice very expensive wallet for his birthday. Made a cake and got a card. They all walked in that afternoon and put all their names on it like they helped!
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Step daughter and punishment?
So SD is 12. Comes over every other weekend sometimes says she doesn't want to come because of friends and such. Well recently we spoke with her mother about her hoarding food in her room, leaving trash every where. I spoke with her this weekend and asked her to clean up her room. She was not to be eating in there. Mom called her dad at the last minute saying she would meet for pickup if they left now. He had just got home grabbed her and left. Well of course she didn't clean her room at all and that's when we found all the trash.
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Ok to give up?
SD continues to come over when she wants. Her mother allows her to make plans with friends on our weekends. Then it starts a fight when my husband says she can't go. Says she hates it here and we don't make her feel welcome. Yet this weekend like any other when she does come she's a perfectly fine child. Interacts, helps, happy, laughing, and anything in between. This weekend we spent time with family, played board games at her request. Made dinner together. My 4 yr old was gone most of the weekend and when she returns, well she's 4.
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Getting worse
Well now that SD has a friend. She's asked to switch weekends with us because her friend is at her moms when SD is with us. We declined because my DS dad can't switch due to work. And SD is so wish washy I'm sure she would switch back at some point. However because of that she has once again said she doesn't want to come to our house. She's done this before. Said she didn't want to come to our house simply because her friend invited her to something. Her mom told her it was whatever she wanted to do. Of course she's going to pick the friend over us. She's only 11.
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Help with SD and biomom
So SD has not come over in almost a month. Sadly the more time she spends with her mom the less she wants to come over. We try to call her frequently. She makes excuses her mom has her phone or her mom makes her read every afternoon and do extra work. But never attempts to call us back. Later she will cry saying she's upset because my 3 yr old daughter stresses her out when she's over. She stays in her room playing on her phone usually. But when she's here she will play with my daughter with no problems.
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Step daughter super emotional
So recently my SD has been super emotional. She usually is and this comes in waves. But now she's got her period at almost 11. The last weekend we had her I swear she cried 4 times a day about anything. And most of the time she would ramble on about 5 different things she was crying about at one time. Well the next weekend we got her again and she started crying at my sons birthday dinner the minute we got there. Said she was uncomfortable. I asked about what and she said there were too many people at the restaurant. She's never said that at any restaurant.
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Communication question
SDs mom texts her constantly throughout the day when she is with us asking what she is doing, how is she, is she ok? How does everyone else feel about this? I feel it is a little intrusive on the very little time we get with her which is currently every other weekend now that school is back in. At one point every time her mom did that she complained so her mom would reward her when she got home. She told her she would take her out to eat and get ice cream since she was having a hard time (mind you she's overweight and has blood pressure issues at 10).
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Continued bio mama drama!
So can anyone tell me why my stepdaughter would not tell us her mother is clearly 6 months preggo!? We've straight up asked because she looks 9 months pregnant already and has gotten huge and yet my stepdaughter continues to say she's not pregnant. I have a friend on FB that is her friend so I've seen her post with the ultrasound name and due date and we've seen her. She hasn't said anything and neither has SD. Two years ago she didn't tell us she got married to this guy and told SD not to tell us. What's the deal?
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Ok a little background. My Stepdaughters mom went to school for nursing when she was 2 weeks old. She was always handed off to her grandmother or her dad until nursing school was over. Soon after she went back to school. We had her a lot due to her mom always working night shift. If we didn't have her the grandmother did. When her biomom went back to school for 18 months she basically lived with her grandmother and came to see us Thursday to Monday when we dropped her off to school. They lived an hour away and my husband moved his job there to be able to drop her off to school easier.
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