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Sub of attorney

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My BF is going to court next week for custody case of his 12yo son. He just received notice in the mail for substitution of attorney on his ex's behalf. 


Does that mean an attorney will be present or she just switched over? In 2008 she had an attorney when the case first opened but in the past year she didn't use one so we are just looking for some insight.

Thank you 

Checkmate BM!

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So SS11 had a smart phone when he came back into SO life and was on it all the time. When ss11 is with us SO doesn't let him have the phone since he wants to do outdoor activities without the screen. So eventually BM said she could no longer pay his account and so of course he had no more contact with SO.

When SO requested to speak to SS11 daily on the phone BM said it was unrealistic to have their son call him every day. She said she would never intervene if SS11 wants to call SO. But we all know the truth.

Meet up

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I'm just curious... do people on this site tend to meet up with each other outside of this site for more support if they reside near each other? just wondering since I'm not even a week old on this site Smile

emotional and conflicting mind

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HI all!

So, for those who havent read my previous posts, I am a Marriage and family therapist... good and bad when it comes to being a stepparent. 

I know I can't fix the situation and I can't fix the child. That's not my place. I just need to love him and my SO until SS can accept me into his life. It's not the typical, mom and dad were together and now they aren't and you're in the way of that. It's rather, mom took me away, I just met my real dad and real dad has a girlfriend that mom tells me bad things about so I don't know how I should feel about her. 

New user to the pack

Deekay's picture

Hello, In brief, my boyfriend was without his son for 9 years due to his ex moving away when she got married and the son was 2 years old. She told the son that her husband is his father. 2 years ago when she filed for divorce she told the son he had a biological father and this past April they were reunited and have been trying to establish a relationship. Court has not granted him more days due to "lack of quality of relationship due to short amount of time known to each other". So for now we only have 2 days with him a week.