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doingthebestIcan's Blog

BM didn't show up to P/T conference

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Here is another action that speaks louder than her words. She didn't show up to ss5 p/t conference. It doesn't really surprise me, but I made sure dh reminded her just in case she had forgotten. It's crazy to me that she says she wants to be involved and wants to know everything, but doesn't really make an effort. If she didn't go I would have like to just to hear from the teacher herself what my ss needs. He is actually doing pretty good in school. He is a young 5y/o in kindergarten but the teacher says that he is actually pretty smart. He just has a really short attention span.

Not Surprised...

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My husband got a call yesterday from bm saying she wasn't going to pick up ss5 again. She only gets to see him on wednesday nights and every other weekend. When my husband got custody she said, "I will be at every practice, every game, every school event, and whatever else he's in!" Needless to say that she has fallen way short of that comment. She has came to maybe 3 of his football games, no practices, and it now skipping her wednesday visits. She will skip two and then come get him for two. I don't understand it. She wants more time with him, but then she doesn't follow through.

So confused...

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In August I told my Husband that I was struggling with the relationship with my stepson. I told him that I wasn't sure if I could continue on with how it was going. My stepson and I don't hug very often or give goodnight kisses. I don't want to pressure him into hugging me or telling me that he loves me when I'm not sure if he does. I also feel that my ss tries to manipulate me, dh, and bm. He tells lies about me to his bm and that all blows up into a huge mess. Her and her family slander me on the internet and to anyone who is willing to listen.

Need advice!?!

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Where to even start... I reconnected with my husband three years ago in March. He has a son from a previous relationship. His son was 20 months old when I can into the picture. My husband went to court about six months after we moved in together and got Sole Legal and Physical custody of his son. The BM was NOT happy to say the least. She hated me from the minute that she knew I was in the picture. I didn't expect her to like me, but I honestly thought that she wouldn't come to use her son as a weapon against me. We have had many battles to say the least over the last few years.