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2SteppinInCali's Blog

Getting Better

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Had a breakthrough last week with future DH. Lot's of talk about our future, my feelings of frustration and resentment, and how we can arrange for equity in our household. Initially I was accuse of "wanting my cake and eating, too." as I outlined what I thought was a good plan to eliminate some of the responsibiity of the Skid's from me to DH and BM. Today, howver, I got a nice surprise. "You were right, honey, all we need is a break every once in awhile." I guess all the drama last week was worth it, if DH can now see that he doesn't have to be "super dad" for his kids to love him.

Well, that didn't go well.

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Soooo, I apologized for turning into a biach yesterday after CUNextTuesday ignored me at the basketball game AND altered her plans with the Skid's for the day. Quite big of me, considering I f****ing can't stand her and do not feel the need to accomodate her, ever. But DH does. Anyway, the conversation goes from fine to bad to worse and DH says if I want this to be "my house" to let him know and he and the Skid's can be gone. All he needs is ten minutes! WOW! Only ten minutes after all the SH** I have gone through to try to make this work?? Then he just leaves. So I can't even respond.

The Last to Know

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How many of you feel like you are the last to know what the heck is going with your DH's and Skids? I am so annoyed that someone I despise (BM) has the power to influence my plans. More so that DH dosen't put his foot down more when she tweaks the visitation schedule!!!!!!!! Which she does ALL the time. I have talked to him about this but he says "Well who suffers from me saying no? The kids." Oh those poor poor suffering children. They are so mistreated. Can hear the sacrcasm dripping from this post? I am so over DH trying to be super dad.

How many of you...

2SteppinInCali's picture

have considered anti-depressants? I know this is very personal. I am just at my wits end with the BM issues, feelings of obligation, and never having anytime to myself. My life has been a rollercoaster since December. I am always stressed out, sad, moody, and more recently have begun to have panic attacks. Has anyone experienced such bad "transition" issues?? I really am trying to keep my emotions in check. I see a therapist and voice my concerns with future DH. We work together to make things smoother around our house, but I still feel overwhelmed.

Day 1

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MIL is here with Skids. Of course they are breaking almost every rule. I know, I know.... "while the cats away" I am just irritated. Going to the gym to work of some of this frustration. My house no longer belongs to me nor do my things that I ask not to be tampered with. I suppose I should just get used to it. DH owes me for the summer schedule! I have had them two weeks already. Got one week off. Now MIL is here. Next week DH is going in late so he can drop the kids at day camp (it doesn't open til 11:00). Guess who has to pick them up? Yours truly. BM can't get there in time.

Vacation's over...

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So sad that the Skids are coming back today afteer a week at G-ma's. I had a meltdown last night. I feel so guilty for missing the peace and quiet of my former life. Not to mention the way my house stays clean when there aren't two little people making messes all the time.

Do I have to love them?

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My future DH is a wonderful man. That is why, despite warnings from my single friends, I made the leap and pursued a relationship with someone with two children and a, shall we say-emotionally and cognitively challenged, ex-wife (the BM). I call her C U Next Tuesday (you figure it out ). All was well and good as I slowly developed a relationship with the soon to be SD(7) and SS(9).

New in town

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Hi All,
I'm new to this site and could use some help with the abbreviations. Smile Not sure where to start but I am glad I found ya'll. I little about me. CSM trying her best to make the best out of my "new life" but having difficulty maintaining my sanity. Is this normal??? LOL