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54andTired's Blog

Can We Call it a Tie or Does Someone Have to Win?

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My husband is heartbroken. I believe he loves me, but he is truly torn. I will never make him make a choice, but it seems as though she has. He doesn't talk to me about it because he doesn't want me to get defensive. All he's told me is that "You've been put in a really sh&^%y position." The problem is I can't say I'm sorry. I can't fix it. Why? Because I don't think I did anything wrong. And, if I did do something wrong, inappropriate or offensive, I don't know what it is.

Thoughtfulness? Guilty as Charged

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My DH and I take care of our kids, practically to a fault. SS is focused on a sports career and the expense of equipment, travel expenses and monthly team payments has been overwhelming. He needs transportation so he uses our truck and gas money to get around. Because of his schedule, he needs money to eat out-a lot. We don't get child support from the DM but somehow we make it work. My daughter owes me an incredible amount of money, yet with their new jobs, no home and baby, they don't have the funds to pay it back just yet. They even live with us.

The Gist of It

54andTired's picture

Nine years ago I married a wonderful man after only 8 months of dating bliss. One of my favorite qualities in him was the love and support he had for his kids, something my children didn't get throughout most of their childhood years. As a couple, we've been fine, even with the expected blended family issues. However, the past year has been a living hell with my SD. Sad

Here's the story: