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shellbell's Blog

I want to disengage

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I'm ready to disengage its been a long time coming really, ss14 has pushed me too far. How is this supposed to work when I have the skids every other week all summer? Dh isn't crazy about it but I told him I've had enough, if my kids treated him the way his son treats me i would completly back him up. I'm just so sick and tired of the attitude over every little thing no matter what i ask him to do or not do. Dh acts like i'm giving up, I'm not I'm trying to save my sanity.

I am tired of trying to figure bm out

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Bm and I don't talk, the few times we have it was not pretty. You never know what she's going to do, she acts normal sometimes and at others she's a complete idiot. At girlscout and boyscout outings she gives me dirty looks, I never noticed but I don't look at her ugly ass. She tried telling me off in public at a cubscout dinner, made a fool out of herself too because I don't let anyone talk to me like that especially when my dd was sitting right next to me. I'll get to the point.

BM has lost her mind

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I'm a girlscout leader with FMIL have been for over a year, both girls mine and FH are in scouts. They get prizes for selling cookies and when it came time to pass out the prizes FMIL gave ME FSD movie tickets because BM never in the past 3 years used them. FMIL told FSD that she was giving them to me because she knew I would take her, I even pinky swore that I would. FSD was fine with it, it was her idea to pinky swear.

Now I'm really irritated

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My son is almost 11 his (sperm donor) had just started paying child support in feb. of this year. It stopped in June because apparently the SD foot was rotting off or something idk. Of course he never told me I had to text and ask why I wasn't receiving cs. I check my space from time to time to see if he mentions being back at work. I happend to check his little gf's and supposedly they just got engaged on sat. I don't care about that but she's bragging about the ring. Hello how did he buy that if he can't even pay cs and is living with mommy again?

Should I even do anything?

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Bm and the 3 kids live with her mother in a 2 bedroom house. They've lived there since 2006. The 3 kids (2boys 1 girl) share a room the grandma has a room and bm sleeps on the couch. About a month ago bm's sister and brother inlaw and their 4 kids moved in also, the parents sleep on a air mattress in the breezeway and the 4 kids (2girls 2boys) Share an air mattress. I can't imagine anyway I've thought about calling child protective services although I'm pretty sure it will just be the sister who gets in trouble not bm.

Very Strange

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Saturday night i had a message on my myspace asking me if i was shellbell from spfld,il i went ahead and responded "yes". Then I decide to see who the person was all it had was the first name, no picture i figured it was a girl i went to high school with as i don't know many people with that name. I went to her page it wasn't private (mine is) and couldn't figure out who she was it listed her living in MO and her birth place KS.

Waiting for the police to call

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my bf (boyfriend) has been divorced for 3 years separated for a year before that and the visitation with his 3 kids has been the same from the beginning every friday to saturday evening and alternating friday to sunday evening. The divorce papers never actually said friday to saturday just friday but the parenting agreement did specify times and days. Two weeks before easter bm decided she was going to get angry about something who knows what and the kids have to come home at 8 0'clock on friday bf doesn't even get them untill 6 we live 30 min.