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Want2RunAway's Blog

not speaking of all... not even speaking of most but... (just venting)

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I joined this ST a few days ago and I am glad I did.. I have taken the time to read many blogs that date back months and all the comments below and so on... branching off and reading certain people's individual blogs based on their comments..

I've never had such a headache in my life! There is one 'know it all' or comes off that way, simply basing that on reading their comments and blogs.. bc let's face it, we're all human here and we all judge and make first impressions based on what we can..we aren't perfect.

Extended summertime w/ SD10 approaching....

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Here comes the time I feel every step parent doesn't care much about! Extended summer visits. Per our court order we get July 1 through July 31. It's going to be very long and ridiculous.
I realize it's summer and kids want to do fun and exciting things... however.. everyday?! No. My BS9 (birth son) has never walked around with the attitude of entitlement. He's content just playing toys or being outside if it's not tooooo hot. Here lately, things are slowly changing...

New to this... BEWARE

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So, I am dealing with a bunch on my plate that I don't particularly enjoy the taste of. A friend of mine kept telling me "you're not crazy I promise... go to this site and read" so finally I decided I would join and hope to get feedback on things that drive me crazy! I will never understand the difficulties in being a parent to your own child. I have a 9 yr old son who I had, yes, while I was young and not married... I have since married, wonderful man, half the time, the other half he's asking for a kick in the teeth (jk). I have a SD10, and her mom is INSANE.