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livingontheedge's Blog

Picking a fight?

livingontheedge's picture

So my BS11 got out of school early today, so I had made plans for him to go home with a friend. BS11 usually walks home and is there for a little while, maybe 45 minutes before boyfriend gets home. However, since school got out early he was asked to go to a friends house so I agreed. These plans were made over the weekend, so I made sure I told boyfriend on Sunday and then reminded him again last night before we went to bed.

Both sides....

livingontheedge's picture

I am on both sides of stepmom. I am a stepmom to SS20 and SD22. My BS11 and BS14 have a stepmom also. My BS11 lives with me and my BS14 has lived his Dad for the last 2 years. (both BS's are with my exH) I often wonder if my BS's SM feel the same way about my boys as some of us feel about our SK's. ExH and SM do not have any children together and SM does not have any of her own. She has crossed the line quite a few times, but for the most part I have not had too many problems with her. For the sake of the children she and I have always tried to be civil to each other.


livingontheedge's picture

I can't stand disrepectfullness. My BS11 and BS14 are both at the age that they want to talk back and I do not tolerate it. I do not allow them to be disrepectful to ANYONE. So why it it that I allow and my boyfriend allows SS20 to be sooo disrespectful to me?....

Peace and quiet!!!

livingontheedge's picture

My house has been peaceful for the last week. Boyfriend and I had a HUGE arguement about SS20 laying around all day and all night about a week about and the following day SS20 left to go to his girlfriend's house for the weekend. He has been gone ever since. It has been wonderful, I feel such relief when he is not there!!! However, on the other hand I am a upset that he has been gone now for a week and that is a week away from him looking for a job!!! Not really sure that he ever really was looking though.