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Stupidlyoptimistic's Blog

Money taken from DH's wallet...AGAIN

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Hi, everyone. Haven't been on in a while, but I am livid right now. DH realized the day skids went home earlier this week that $100 was missing from his wallet. He checked everywhere, and he asked people at work. No luck. About a year and a half ago, money went missing from his wallet on a skid weekend, but we had people over, so it was hard to know what happened. After the first incident, I started keeping my purse and his wallet in my room when skids are over. No money had gone missing since... Until this week when he left his wallet on the counter. He picked the skids up today.

Been a while! Has anyone else seen this?!

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So this has come up on my Facebook feed a couple of times now.

"If you marry someone who has kids from a previous relationship, those kids are now your kids and should be treated as such."

Does this make anyone else :sick: like it does me? What if BM tells those kids, "That is NOT your mom. Don't you dare treat her as such!"

This kind of crap makes me want to vomit!

OSD and Eating Disorders

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SD10 has been mentioning her weight and her desire to lose weight off and on for two years now. A few weeks ago I asked DH if I could talk to SD10 about eating disorders the next time she brought up weight issues. Well, tonight SD10 told me she had lost 2 lbs this week. She went from 83 to 81 lbs. She's 10 yo and appr. 4'9. Her weight is fine. She was happy about losing weight. :O I've lived with an eating disorder since I was 12. I don't want to watch her go through this. DH and I sat SD10 down and showed her a couple of pics of women with eating disorders.

OT-So Proud of BS3!

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So BS3 and I went Christmas shopping last week, and we donated to the Salvation Army on the way into the store. I explained to him why we were doing it, then I kinda forgot about it. We pulled up to the same store today. As we are driving through the parking lot, BS3 tells me that he hopes the lady with the bucket is there. As we get out, he proceeds to get his change out (I keep change in the back door handle for him). The worker is on break when we walk in. BS3 is notably upset. As we are checking out, he gets his change out again and tells me he hopes "the lady with the bucket is back".

Did anyone else see this?

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Did anyone else see this story? Apparently being an entitled brat can actually be used as a defense in a DUI/vehicular homicide case. This kid killed people by drinking and driving, and the judge gave him 10 yrs probation. Why? Because he's never been made to take responsibility for anything. He doesn't understand right and wrong. Really? :sick:

CS Modification hearing today...

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Need prayers and/or positive thoughts this morning. DH is finally in court for the CS modification that he applied for almost a year ago. First, the paperwork was lost by CSE. Then, BM's attorney lied to the judge saying that there was a pending case for custody so she could get the court date continued. Hopefully all goes well today and we get the modification.

Skids broke into BS3's room within 5 min of getting here. WTF?!

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So I'm in bed with the beginnings of the flu. BS3 is with my grandparents. I locked BS's room to keep the skids out since he's not here. He doesn't go in their rooms, so they shouldn't be in his, especially since they trash his room, and then leave it for BS3 to clean up. What's the first thing SS and SD do when they get here? Break into his room. I'm pissed. When DH asked what was wrong, I told him they broke into BS's room, and that I had locked it to keep them out. DH then proceeds to tell SS that I locked the door to keep him out and to get out. Thanks, DH.

My Thanksgiving week is off to a great start! NOT!

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Grrrr! It is only Tuesday, and already my week is not going well. Woke up yesterday morning to find that we are out of gas for our heating unit. Court yesterday was a joke. We now must go back in three months for something that should've been finished yesterday. Also, DH and BM had apparently not talked about plans for skids this week. I've only reminded DH to check the holiday schedule 100 times. They discussed it yesterday. We thought we were getting them tomorrow night or Thursday morning. Nope! They come tonight.

Weekend Bliss :)

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DH and I had a much needed weekend together, which came at the right time since we go back to court tomorrow. Since we moved a couple of months ago, we have not had much quality time together. Waaaaaay too much going on. Both of us have been stressed to the max. This weekend, we had no skids, no BS3, just the two of us. Last night DH grilled steaks and potatoes. We drank wine, ate by candlelight, and listened to music, sang, and danced by a fire. It was so much fun! We also had grown up time, which was much needed.
