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Vent about DH

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Let me start off my saying I don't complain much about DH, and usually he is very involved, and he is a great man. However, I'm starting to get frustrated this week.

First, we are in the middle of a custody battle over SD. Our attorney asked us to write up a list of all the crazy things BM has done since the divorce. The day she asked, I came home and wrote three pages worth of stuff on the computer. That was last week. I have repeatedly asked DH to sit down with me to finish this since our attorney needs it this week. Today, I sat down and re-wrote what I had written last week and added more. I wrote out eight pages today. I finally had to shut the computer down. I was going cross eyed. The only help I have gotten from DH was a few e-mails and texts that he had saved. These were not even the craziest ones that he had saved, and therefore, were of no use. Really?! I asked DH to sit down with tonight to go over what I had written so we can get it to the attorney tomorrow. He agreed. When I brought it up after the kids went to sleep, he said he would look at it tomorrow. We were supposed to get it to the attorney by today or tomorrow. His response was that as long as we get it to her Friday morning before our meeting with her, it should be fine. OK. So I just fried my brain today to get this done, and you're not even going to look at it. Great. Glad to know we are spending all of this money, time, stress, etc. so you can continue to put off doing what needs to be done. Awesome. He did at least thank me for all the work I put into it.

Second, usually DH is always in the mood for "play time", and I am the one who is too tired. Even then, we still get our time 2-4 times a week, depending on whether BS3 is here or not. This week, nothing. Every night this week we have planned out some adult time beginning with a candlelit bubblebath with wine and massages...Every night DH has fallen asleep on the couch by 9:30 or earlier. He did actually stay awake last night, but BS3 was fighting sleep. Can't catch a break. DH woke me up yesterday morning as a way to make up for the night before. Not even close to making up for it, DH. I enjoy the intimacy before the act just as much, and I do not get that when you wake me up at 5:00 am. GRRR!!! He is sleeping on the couch for the second or third time this week tonight. I tried to wake him up, but he's out cold. My rule, I will wake you up twice, after that you can sleep on the couch for the night. So frustrating! Hopefully, we will make up for lost time this weekend since the skids won't be here and BS3 will be with family.


Justme54's picture

That is a man for you. Sorry...they are good about dealing with not dealing with it. He is in his cave...that is why he is sleeping on the sofa. Then my other thought is...why do it...I got a good wife that can handle it. My DH did not want me to work...road my ass becasue I delayed quiting to have surgery on both of my feet. I had better coverage and also had disabilty insurance. His sales pitch was he did not want me to work so hard. I quit my job...more I do the less he does. I am the DIY girl, the maid, his mama's errand bitch, the yard girl. The money I saved was all in vein...we have spent more money on adult skids and his mama than we have on home improvements. The best part...he moved in with me...he donated his house to his mama to live in. When she almost burn the house...guess who cleaned it out and painted and researched trying to get it sold. You guess it. That be me...justme54.

I hope the meeting goes good. Wishing you the best on things getting back to being less stressful. HUGS!

furkidsforme's picture

He's not doing it because you are doing it for him. And perhaps, just throwing it out there..... is it possible you are pushing the legal battle more than he is and you might want it more than he does?

Not trying to make assumptions, I could just see this reaction happening if DH wasn't quite so gung ho on fighting BM as you are.