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Met with GBM yesterday

3LittleDragonflies's picture

We met yesterday with GBM about visitation with SD2.

We want to make it more frequent and for longer periods of time starting in March. GBM was all for it, even suggested starting overnights sooner than we were suggesting (as she put it, "I NEED a break!"). She told us several things that we'd need to make sure of in the new house (Stuff like SD likes to turn on water so we need an outside lock on the bathroom door for at night). She gave us a basic idea of SD's routine during the day so that we could stick to it better and not have her getting cranky from being hungry or tired. She also told us SD's favorite foods and things she won't eat. Bread being the number one thing on the second list. That might make lunch time a little more difficult since BD1 usually has a sandwich. Any ideas for quick and easy lunches without bread? Overall a very pleasant and informative visit. She even asked if after NB is born if she could take SD and BD shopping on the weekends so I could have a break. :O She treats us so much nicer since BM "went away".

BM has been coming to see SD 3-4 times a week for <2 hours at a time. Usually she stops by for dinner. They changed her meds again last week after she failed her strip search (cutting. She carved "Failure" into the bottom of her foot and something else into the bottom of her other one, GBM couldn't remember what) the only reason they didn't recommit her is because her grandmother died the day before and the funeral is today. She has another appointment tomorrow that GBM thinks may result in her being recommitted.

*Sigh* There are days that I almost... almost... feel bad for her. Then I remember waking up to her standing next to my bed and her trying to kiss DH during one of his visits with SD and I just start hoping that they find the right meds to make her sane!


SMof2Girls's picture

Wow .. what a tough situation! I'm really sorry you guys are going through all of that!

What types of things does SD like?

My SD(now5) went through a stage where she was anti-bread. Instead of sandwiches, we rolled up meats and cheeses into little rolls and let her eat those. She still ate certain types of crackers, so sometimes we'd do "Lunchable-style" lunches. She also liked crescent rolls, tortillas, and mini-bagels, even though she wouldn't eat regular bread. Is it possible to substitute the regular sandwich bread?

Soups and finger foods (veggies, fruits, etc) are usually pretty simple.

Another alternative is pre-preparing meals; spaghetti can be easily cooked in a big batch and broken down into smaller portions. You can also freeze these and have them available whenever. Tortellini is similar; easily cooked and frozen for easy reheating later.