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SD hasn't been here for 2 months.

3bk1sd's picture

Dh and I were sitting at the table having a coffee this morning when he asked if I had Advil for his sore back. I gave him some and here is our conversation.

DH "You haven't been having migraines like you used too."

I had been having 2-3 every week for the last few years, if I take 3-4 Advil as soon as I get the wavy lines in front of my eyes I can usually stop it, sometimes he does need to take me to the hospital for iv drugs though.

Me "I'm so relieved that they stopped it was just after Christmas that I had the last one."

DH "Do you think it was the wisdom tooth you had out in December?"

Me "No, that was in the begining of December. I'm quite sure I know the cause of my migraines and why they stopped and it has nothing to do with a tooth!"

DH with a look on his face like he was thinking really hard to figure out what I meant "Oh."


Halgsmom's picture

Yea, we have been in a custody fight for the last year. Stepkids live here and Sd decided in october not to go back to BMs house. I have a had a continuous migraine since. I love her very much but she is very demanding and very self centered all the time.