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annoyedbyskids's Blog

BM is PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

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SO SS17 tells me last night that his BM doesn't even know if she and their SD have plans for their anniversary. UGHHHHH!!! Are you fking kidding me. Supposedly that is WHY she is waiting till around the 17th to get HER kids for the summer. TOTALLY PISSES ME OFF!!! This tells me that she is just making excuses and doesn't really want the hassle of them being there with her for an extended period of time. WTH!! They are YOUR KIDS!! My bio kids are already gone for the summer. My husband has been out of town working SO I am here yet again with the two stepsons. I work also.


annoyedbyskids's picture

SO tomorrow is the kids last day of school and today I am getting a little sad. My BK are leaving to go to their Grandma's for awhile for the summer and ONCE AGAIN the two teenage SS will be here until supposedly sometime around June 17th as BM says she can't get them till then cause she and SD have plans for their Anniversary which is June 11th. WTH!!! Why can't you get them now they are 17 and 16 they can stay home alone while you go wherever for your anniversary. BM's parents live across the street and can keep an eye on the kids.


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Ok so first off...This past Friday I noticed I was missing a pack of cigarettes, and was suspicious that SS probably took them because I knew he didn't have any and magically he had a half Ziploc bag full of tobacco. I found my empty pack thrown between the neighbors behind us and besides us fences. I confronted him by kindly asking him where did he get the tobacco that was in the Ziploc bag that him and his brother were smoking on for 4 days. He responds by saying oh from the buts you and Dad left outside.

Everything they do ANNOYS me!!!

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My husband and I have been together for 11 yrs. I have two kids of my own an 13yo daughter and a 11yo son. My son was 2 1/2 mths old when we started dating. His 2 sons were 6 & 5 when we started dating, they are now 17 & 16 and live with us. I have pretty much been through hell with these two kids since probably a month after we started dating. They have been spoiled their whole lives by their Bio Mom and their Dad and their Bio Mom's parents.