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cantseeeyetoeye's Blog

SD11 cries and wants to be with BM

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SD11 lately has just been acting odd. We finally got her to open up a bit last night and she says that she wants to spend more time at BM's. SD says that she really misses her mom whenever she is away from her. We aren't quite sure what to do about the whole situation. DH and I really blame BM for this because she gets SD involved in way too many adult issues. BM tells SD that she should be able to choose where she wants to be (even though court papers are VERY specific).

BM taking DH to mediation

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Just got a letter in the mail yesterday from the family court commissioner. BM is taking DH to mediation November 20. BM has several issues, but one of the main issues is that she wants to sign SD11 up for tournament/traveling basketball team and tournament/traveling softball team. These are all on weekends and are not all in the town we live in. DH has placement every other weekend and he told BM that she can't sign SD up for these types of things without his permission.

BM taking money & time away from us!

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BM sent DH and email yesterday asking him to help pay for some additional expenses for SD11. Right now, we are on the shared percentage placement formula for child support (they look at both of their incomes since DH has 40% placement). Before we were on this schedule, DH paid full child support and he wasn't required to pay these extra expenses. With the shared placement child support formula, it basically states in WI that your responsibility for “variable costs” should match the percentage of time you have the child (in our case, 40%).

Signing Kids up for sports

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bm just informed me yesterday that she took sd10 to TRAVELING softball tryouts. the games are all on weekends (and we have her every other weekend), so she told sd that she would have to get her dads permission. sd told bm that her dad said yes, but he never actually did. bm should have called and talked to us about this. i have a son that is only 1 and my dh works every saturday. i also work full-time and need to get things done around the house on weekends. sd is already in softball locally tuesdays and thursdays and the traveling would be too much for us this year.

Summer Vacation Disaster!

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Started talking to bm about summer vacation placement the other night and she wants sd for their weekly vacation with her inlaws. They are going the week of the 4th of july. Problem is that 4th of july is our holiday this year! They leave on Saturday, June 29 and she would have to have her back to us by Wednesday, July 3 at 5 p.m., so sd would still get to spend 5 days with them on vacation before coming back. She says that it should be up to my 10 year old sd to make the decision of what she wants to do.