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lil_lady's Blog

iPad texting...

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How would you go about handling BM texting SD11 and digging for info as to what is going on in our home? All the kids have iPads... I cant limit just SD. I just on a whim checked her iPad. We are in the midst of a custody battle. BM is texting her looking for info about what is happening in our home. I dont want to give SD shit. That puts her in the middle and if I cut her off I have to cut all the kids off and we have 4 (2 his and 2 ours). How would you handle this?

Activities and gold digging.... it never ends (vent)

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I could scream! We have 5 days together as a family every 16 days... hubby works out of town so we (bio son and I) don't get to see him either. Well 2 of those 5 days she has the sks registered in activities. Apparently she feels SD8 must be in 2 and SS3 must me in one, at all times. So now we only see SS and SD for 3 of those 5 days let alone my son gets even less time with his dad. BM is loosing her mind because we have said for this reason we will bring the sks to one activity each during their time here that is all.

really BM jelous much?!

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My partners dad recently got a second place out of town because he had to move for work. I recently had a son and SOs dads birthdays this weekend. I asked my MIL when and what they where doing. My SO told his parents he would ask BM if I could pick up the kids for a couple of hours so FIL could see the kids. We don't get them until the week after because SO is out of town working. In the past BM has just been invited to events because inlaws assumed he was away working. SO told his inlaws this has been bothering him so his dad asked us first.

OT babies on their backs..

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My little one has been sniffly for the las few days... in the 3 weeks that he has been home he has not been a spit up baby at all last night he spit up 2x and today he was gaging then spitting up. Almost seemed like heaving except without the stomach muscles... ug now I am supposed to be sleeping and I cant because I am so scared he is going to choke. I know babies are supposed to go on their backs but I have him on a slight tilt. Then I feel conflicted because he isnt on his back.... long night ahead *sigh*.

OT he is here :)

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Gave birth to my son on March 14.. SO was home from work which was amazing... DS came out 7ibs 7oz he is so little and beautiful! I could just watch him 24/7! Skids came to visit and surprisingly ss2 was so excited and happy he immediately crawled into my hospital bed into my lap so he could hold his baby brother! SD was extatic aswell. I am so glad ss is so smart and we where able to communicate this change with him! We get the skids on thursday... its going to be crazy and hard I know at least I have my mom and SO is an amazing dad and doesn't let me overdo it

Im Tired.... And therefor emotional 36 weeks pregnant..

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Had my baby shower... took the time to go on a website and make a registry also tell everyone what we had. We bought all the big stuff for the baby and where just in need of the small things. You know clothes, blankets, shampoo... that sort of stuff. I got home ridiculously late last night and of course didn't sleep last night so when I went through all of the stuff with my bf on the phone we realized we had no clothes, no blankets, no receiving blankets... (I do however have clothes for 3 months from now and all sorts of things for when my baby starts eating).

UPDATE Geneticist

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So turns out the urgency is that for an amnio (sample of the amniotic fluid) it is the safest between 16 and 20 weeks. That is why there is urgency with with getting me in. Now on the other hand no they cannot test for autism. However, autism usually comes with a chromosome disorder/fragile X so they can test for those. Basically I went there got blood work as a safety precaution. The doctor is confident that the autism in my family is from neither one of those.

Terrified... Geneticist referal is being fast tracked.

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I am pregnant and just got a phone call that I am being referred to a genetics team at the provincial hospital. I have autism in my family and am 18 weeks pregnant. All the sudden someone finally listened to me and now it is on fast track. They want me in by the end of the week. They are even seeing me before my mom comes up with the documentation for my siblings diagnosis papers. Has anyone ever dealt with this sort of thing? I don't even know what to expect!

OT - SO drinking....

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So just curious for those BM's out there did your significant other drink while you where pregnant? I dont mind it when DBF has a drink when we are at a family dinner or bbq or something. It really gets to me when he goes for a 2nd or 3rd when it is just us relaxing. I brought it up with him and of course it turned into a fight. I just dont get it! I would not want a drink if i knew he couldn't drink... I have had 1 or 2 (before i got pregnant) when he did not feel like drinking beyond that I just had no desire.

Generous Access...

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BM got a generous access order... we are in alberta. Her idea of generous access is letting him see his kids 2 weekends out of the month (because he works a week in a week out) and giving him an evening visitation 1 day per week. Can anyone shed some light on where we should go from here? Before this we had a 50/50 agreement going into court I think the judge had no intention of her turning around to power trip! My impression is that generous access is an order that applies to a schedule both parents can agree on.... In which case can we ask for an emergency court date?
