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anita...sigh's Blog

Save The Psycho Ex Wife --- Please Read

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This is not about promoting another website but believe its important for the members and administration know what has happened at a similar board.

The Pyscho Ex Wife started off as a blog by a man going through a contentious divorce with his BPD ex-wife. No names ever mentioned, no identifying information.

His ex-wife discovered the website and brought the issue to Court and the Judge in the matter has threatened the man with taking his children away and placing him in jail if he does not remove the website and its contents.


anita...sigh's picture

If you haven't seen the movie, its a tongue in cheek comedy about the natural evolution of man and how the Psychos outbreed the normal people of the earth until they can no longer take care of themselves. Two people were frozen in past who were of average intellegence. When accidently defrosted in the future, they turned out to be the geniuses. Go figure.

Give the movie a serious theme and its not far from the truth.

So many of us are dealing with crazy BMs, with more than two kids by numerous fathers.

Anyone see the trend?

Run in with In-laws.............. errrrrr

anita...sigh's picture

My in-laws live way across the country from me, the nephews are grown and doing great things in other parts of the world. I've only met them once but we seemed to get along and I assumed they would share the same values and sense of humour my DH does.... boy was I wrong.

I really am begining to believe Facebook bad! I recently commented on my sister-in-law's picture of her grandkids and my nephew.

Bad Bad Summer so Far and its not the Skids.

anita...sigh's picture

I'm so burnt out I can barely stand. My mother, on July 1, became so ill she went into respitory failure and spent 7 days on a ventilator and had a small heart attack. My sister and I live in small northern communities and had to basically ambulance chase all over the province. Thank God she surived.


anita...sigh's picture


I tried to reply to your PM but am blocked. I would love to have an opportunity to reply and offer assistance... (no not negatives, really). Are you able to unblock me? That is if you are comfortable with that.


YSD Dishes DH for Xmas

anita...sigh's picture

DH had to stay behind while I went to my sister's with my kids for Xmas because of his work. He made arrangements for skids to come on boxing day for gift exchange, etc. YSD15 refused to come! Why, because when she asked him for a coat about a month ago, he explained he had no money (we pay BM huge CS) but would see what he could find. She wasn't happy, phoned him from school being extremely rude, swearing, so he hung the phone up.

BM Broke her neck!!

anita...sigh's picture

In two places, after falling in the bathtub because she was drunker than a skunk and survies!!! Ack. We found out through a third party/friend who spoke to BM personally. People, she broke her neck over a month ago. All she told us was that she had to go for surgery in a larger centre and would be "laid up" for a couple of months. She didn't even tell her own kids in case they might tell us. Her surgery must of been a huge success because she's out running about already.

SD14 Broke DH's Heart

anita...sigh's picture

What a bad, bad weekend. DH works as a train engineer and is away from home for 24 - 36 hour intervals. SD14 has for the most part behaved herself. DH was at work on Friday, and SD14 called to say she was staying at a friend's house and left me the number. The next morning, I tried to contact SD14 and there was no answer. I kept trying all day. Around 10:00 pm I got ahold of a parent at the friend's house and was told that SD14 was not there and hadn't been there the night before. Now I'm hooped.
