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Luna HG's Blog

Seriously grossed out!!!

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:sick: Ok so I am freaking out. So i have a huge phobia with cockroaches. Even saying the full name makes me cringe (so I will shorten the name to roaches). So this has happened before. When my step son comes over to my house or when we take him to my mother-in-laws house we have had roaches come out of his diaper bag and into the home. It happened once when he was very young less then a year old and at least three times at my mother-in-laws house. My sister-in-laws have taken everything out of the bag to make sure nothing else is in there.

Guys I need advice...

Luna HG's picture

For the past few weeks I've been having problems with BF. He has been annoying me with small things. The thing that has been bothering me the most lately is that he won't kiss me. Any time we kiss I initiate it and its just a little peck. I haven't had a real passionate kiss in a while. Also he won't show any affection towards me. He won't hold my hand or put his arm around me or anything like that. He used to affectionate and loving towards me but it just dissappeared. He won't even tell me he loves me. It makes me feel like he doesn't care about me anymore.

Very annoyed...

Luna HG's picture

Sorry I haven't been on here for a long time. So today BF and I were planning to take the whole family out to the museum (him, I, his sisters, his parents, and SS). Every time we go pick up SS BF insists that he has to go by himself and makes us waste more gas because we take both cars. He keeps doing this and it annoys me but I keep my mouth shut. Well today i just had it and I told him "Why do you always leave me here?! I hate you going off for your son alone I'm going with you I'm not getting out of the car so I shouldn't be a problem and if it is she should deal with it.

Is this a reasonable thing for me to ask of him?

Luna HG's picture

OK so I got really mad at BF today. So I have asked him to let me know when he goes over to see SS. I don't ask for detail or anything like that just let me know when you see him. I have also asked him to make sure its just SS and him BM does not have to be there. At the moment BF does not have a job he was laid off about two weeks ago so I know he will see SS more often. I work the majority of the day so he can go at any time without me knowing. Yesterday I asked him how was his day what did you do general stuff like that. He said go exercise did homework cleaned that it.

What do you think?

Luna HG's picture

I want to know what you guys think I should do. So one of my best friends girlfriend is having a baby and she is in labor right now. I want to go visit them when the baby is born. The thing is hes is my ex's little brother so his whole family is there so if I go visit them I will see all of them regardless of what I do. I know my friend would want me to go and they have no problem with me visiting but I do not want to go to their home because my BF gets mad. Should I go or not or what do you guys think I should do?


Luna HG's picture

Ok i haven't been on this in a while but a big problem came up. So two days ago BF sends me a message saying that hes getting tired of me and that we are a boring couple. I told him we can talk about it and fix things but he said hes not sure if he wants to fix out problems. I took a long drive that night to clear my head and when I came home 5 min after he texted me he was already asleep. Yesterday when he came back home from school I asked him if we could talk. He said not right now im busy doing homework. I said ok i know you have to do that but we need to talk.

Obsessed much?

Luna HG's picture

So I got a message on my FB from one of my friends from high school. I have her as a friend on FB but I don't really talk to anyone on there. So she said she added BM to her page cus BM requested her. She told me that BM's page keeps saying that she will have another child with her baby daddy and that she loved him and all this other BS. So my friend asked me of i knew her cus she knows who my man is. I said yea that's my stepson's mom and she likes to create trouble. She said yea i can see that I'm just going to delete her so she does not make problems with me.

So pissed off >:{

Luna HG's picture

Ok so today is my day off and so is BF. We are out of school so I can spend the entire day with him which made me so happy. I even made sure we have the same day off so we can see each other. We both work nights and went to school in the morning so we barely see each other, were only together when we sleep. So today the plans were for BF to go pick up his son and for all of us to go shopping for his family's presents. So he gets ready this morning and everything and I'm cleaning the room so we have space to have SS in there.

More annoyances as usual...

Luna HG's picture

So I came across a pic that BM made. So SS's name is BF name plus middle name. Every time she refers to SS she adds in the middle name to make sure its SS and not BF. So the pic is BF name (no middle initial) and then it turns into the infinity sign to pretty much symbolize there together for infinity. Also below this it says eternity. So the caption for the pic says she want to get a tattoo of this for x-mas. This annoyed me so I went into her page and she has a modified pic of this and this one also has a faint "BM loves you" across the whole sign. So this suuuper annoys me.
