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madison27's Blog

Possibly pressing assault charges on BM..

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So this weekend while FDH and I were out and about with some friends, we ran into BM (and it was her weekend to have FSS4. Where was FSS4? No idea.) BM and FDH had some tense words with each other outside of the bar - I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, not wanting to start things in public. I went to the bathroom while FDH got our drinks.

Question about child support and what it covers..

madison27's picture

BM has decided FSS4 will be attending a different preschool in the fall and apparently it's going to be more expensive. She's already telling FDH that he needs to start "saving up" so he can pay for it. My question is, shouldn't child support cover that? Or is it one of those things that varies state to state? If anybody can offer some insight, I'd greatly appreciate it Smile

BM claiming she has never said anything bad about us to FSS

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FDH called BM last week to lay into her about what FSS had told us - that "mommy tells him Madison and FMIL are naughty and mean" and that he can be mean to us. Apparently her brainwashing backfired on her because not only is he doing this to us, he is now behaving that way to BM and her sisters, BM's mom, sister's boyfriends. Everyone, it seems like, except for FDH and FFIL, for whatever reason.

Between crazy BM and FSS4, I'm at a loss..

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I've lurked around here for a couple months now, but this is my first time posting. I've been with FDH about a year and half now, and have known FSS4 for almost a year. At first things were great. All last summer and fall I had a great time with FSS4 and he seemed to really take to me, which I was so happy about because he's a bit shy.